Chapter 13: Agrabah / Lea's Side Story

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In the gummy ship Xanie, zexion, Roxas, and axel are waiting to get to a new world. Axel had decided waiting for Xanie to push a button would take forever since she isn't in a good mood right now. He had picked the one with the weirdest sounding name on purpose because he was curious about the kind of place it could be. Zexion and Roxas were sitting anxiously in the back seats.

"Roxy your jittery... are you excited?" zexion teases.

Roxas nods. "Heck yeah I am! Who wouldn't though! I mean not only do we get to see all kinds of new stuff but I get to go to all these cool places with you! It's like a permanent vacation! And we get to visit everywhere!" he smiles at zexion.

Zexion grins. "Aww your such a sweet heart Roxy. That's why I love you."

Roxas beams. "Aww I love you too zex."

Axel is about to say something when his phone buzzes. "Who?" he checks his phone. "Oh it... it's my brother..."

[Lea] axel bro where are you? I know you usually don't come home but after what happened with the monsters and stuff mom is starting to get worried...

[Axel] sorry I can't come home right now lea... I have man stuff to do.

[Lea] but...

[Axel] I'm sorry lea I have other important things to do right now. I might come back a little later but I can't right now ok.

[Lea] ok... but you're ok though right?

[Axel] of course I am... why wouldn't I be?

[Lea] I'm just worried about you...

Axel snickers. It isn't like lea to ever worry about anyone especially axel. Lea had his one friend Isa they did everything together. It wasn't normal for lea to care about anyone other than Isa or I guess his girlfriend larxene. Man was she ever a fire cracker.

[Axel] you're worried about me? What about Isa and larxene?

[Lea] larxene... broke up with me for xemnas...

Axel frowns. But they had got along so great? Why would she leave lea?

[Axel] oh shit... that's awful man... why did that happen?

Zexion leans over axel's shoulder. "What's going on?"

"Apparently my brother lea's girlfriend just broke up with him..." axel frowns. "I always thought they were great together..."

"It happens sometimes..." zexion frowns. "How's he taking it?"

Axel shrugs. "Hard to say... probably not good considering he's texting me... I didn't even know he had my number."

"You two don't get along?" Roxas pokes his head over the other side of the seat.

"Well no, not exactly..." axel frowns. "You see... every time we talk we get in a fight... so we just stopped talking. It isn't like I don't want to talk to him but... well you know how it is..."

[Lea] I don't know... one day she was all good and loved me and we were fine and then... she suddenly was like sorry lea I don't love you anymore... and she just left... idk what to do with myself...

[Axel] I'm really sorry about that kid... I would really like to help you out but... big bros got stuff to do... I'll try to make it back sometime today if I can...

[Lea] whatever... I'm going to call Isa...

Axel frowns and sticks his phone back in his pocket. "That sucks too because lea has really bad depression problems... that girl was the only thing keeping him sane..."

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