Chapter 15: Jamestown / Pocahontas

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After that mess with lea and axel's mother everyone was just glad to be back on the ship. Roxas decided he'd like to pick the next place they tried. Axel didn't object to this and neither did zexion. Xanie on the other hand was still pouting and not really responding either way.

Roxas selected Jamestown and the ship began to zoom through space.

Xanie looks out the window dreading everything about her existence. 'What am i? Who am i? Who can I trust?'

The ship runs into an ambush but Roxas takes care of it. "It's like playing a videogame!" he exclaims mashing the gun buttons.

Zexion helps but for the most part Roxas has it covered. He grins softly. "Roxas always was better at games then i."

Xanie was too deep in thought to care. 'I've been behind the door. But I don't remember anything.' Subconsciously her right hand drifts over the left shoulder over her tattoo. 'Am I a heartless? Just something for xanhort to control like a puppet? From the shadows I come and to them I shall return?'

'What matters is who you chose to be now.'

Xanie remember Roxas and Zexion trying to comfort her. Tears form in her eyes and she looks unconsciously out the window numb to all her surroundings. 'Even if choose the right path I could still hurt axel. I don't want to hurt anyone.'

Axel had his elbow on the arm of his seat with his head resting against his fist. 'How can I help her see that no matter what I'll always be on her side? She doesn't deserve to be lied to just because merlin and yen don't trust her. How can I make her see that I'm not just along for the ride?' he glances over at Xanie and notices her hand over the spot where he knows she has a heartless tattoo. 'She's thinking about the mark on her arm. When she pictures herself what does she see? A puppet for xanhort? A puppet for yen? A girl? I bet so many things are confusing her that she doesn't even know what to believe anymore.' He sighs and looks back out the window. 'The only one with the real answers is xanhort.'

Xanie sighs and glances over at axel. "Jafar was holding me before... because xanhort had asked him to try to unlock my memories. However all he cared about was the thing he was doing so he never actually tried."

Axel looks at Xanie. "He did? But why?"

"He told me that I've forgotten my destiny." Xanie sighs. "That anything and everything I'm doing now will only speed up the process of the darkness."

Axel frowns. "That's isn't how it is though Xanie. I don't know what we're doing if it's good or bad but the heartless are hurting people good innocent people and we have to stop them." Axel doesn't believe his own words at this point. "I don't know if yen can be trusted at this point but I do know xanhort definitely can't be trusted."

Zexion nods. "That's right. If we can't trust yen's word then what are we even doing axel?"

Axel puts his hand under his chin. "Well I see your point but the citizens of these worlds do still need our help even if yen is lying to us about what he knows about Xanie that doesn't change the fact that the universe is still in danger."

Zexion looks at Xanie. "I believe what is most important now is our faith in each other. We'll figure out the answers to our questions but stopping the heartless must take priority."

Xanie nods understanding. "Yes your right." She sits up and looks at axel. "I'm sorry I've been so down. I just don't know who I am anymore."

Axel smiles softly. "I know its ok Xanie I understand."

They aren't paying attention and the next thing they know the four of them are down on the planet surface.

Axel checks his outfit wondering if it'll change again. He smirks. "Alright leather again." He puts his hands behind his head and smiles. "I love this outfit."

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