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The car ride to Vic's mom's house was agonizing. I couldn't sit still as I thought about how thing were going to play out. When I met Vic's dad, I had zero warning, so I had no time to worry about the impression I made on him. But with Vic's mom I had a whole 20 minute drive to think about it.

"Are we almost there?" I asked, anxious. I had no idea where we were, but I knew we were in the rich area of Carlisle. I haven't been down here too much, because I didn't know anyone who could afford houses this large. Of course there were big houses in other places of Carlisle, but this was more of the exclusive area, I guess.

"We're here, actually." He said just as we pulled into the driveway of a house almost bigger than Vic's current one. It was an off white structure with tinted widows and front door, with simple white lights that lined the roof for the holidays. It was a beautiful place, but I thought that Vic's dad was the rich one, and that was why he had to live with him and not with her.

"Oh my god." I voiced without realization. I turned to Vic who was giving me a questioning look.

"This place is huge, but how can she afford it?" I asked, not even realizing how rude it sounded. I really need to learn how to slow myself down when I'm around Vic, because I always end up saying whatever comes to mind.

"The divorce." He answered, making me feel instantly feel guilty.


"Well that and her books." He said and that took me a back a bit.

"What books?" I asked.

"She writes stories a lot, and when her and my dad split, she started doing it more. Eventually, she got a few of them published and one of them even became really popular." He explained.

"Really?" This was so interesting. I mean, even if it wasn't, I would still like to hear all about it because it was about Vic and his family.

"Yeah. Have you ever heard of 'Misfit Angels'?" He asked and my jaw dropped.

"No, You're mom did not write that book." I said.

"She did." He said matter-of-fact, giving a small nod.

"I don't believe you." I said, getting genuinely excited. 'Misfit Angels' was this really popular book that came out around two years ago. It was your basic romance novel expect it revolved around the relationship between two girls and their struggle with trying to be accepted by everyone around them.

I never expected a story about a gay couple to get as big as it did, but everyone loved it. I remember being a bit skeptical about it as well, but then I read it, and it was actually an incredible book. I even recall there being talk about it becoming a movie, but I guess that was just a rumor since it never happened.

"Fine, I guess you'll just have to ask her yourself." He shrugged before unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car. I quickly undid mine as well, and scrambled out of the car.

When I got out, Vic was standing there waiting for me with an amused look on his face. He shook his head and was quick to take my hand in his, helping me to calm down. We walked up the wide, stoned path that lead to the grand, glass door. Instead of knocking or ringing the door bell, Vic just walked right in. I guess he was allowed to do this, because it was his house, too... I guess.

We walked in and the sent of apple and cinnamon danced around you. It wasn't overwhelming at all, it was pleasant and cozy. The inside of the house was just as nice as the outside. The color scheme was red and white, which matched perfectly with the holiday season. Everything overall just looked really clean.

"Mom? We're here." Vic called out, looking into the living room that had a large Christmas tree in the corner, and the lights from the garland that wrapped the stairwell on the other side to help light the room.

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