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Sorry this took so long! I don't have a computer right now, so I had to do this on Mobile. So I apologize ahead of time for weird typos and stuff.

"What?" I ask, pulling away from Vic. I was still on his lap, but now I was properly watching his face because he just said the most endearing and flattering thing anyone has ever told me.

"Uh, nothing." He said, patting my butt as a sign for me to get off. I climbed off his lap, but still looked at him because he was lying. That wasn't nothing. It was something; a big something.

"Tell me." I asked of him while he stood up as well.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said, but was making a horrible attempt at hiding his smile, which only made me smile as well.

"No, I think you do." I poked at his stomach, teasing him further but in reality the moment passed, and I don't want us to just throw the word around, causing it to loose it's value. The time will come again, and I'll be waiting-not so patiently.

"But we have a guest." He said. I looked at him confused, but he just pointed behind me in the direction of my bedroom door. I turned around and saw Amy poking her head through the door, like she was invisible and we couldn't see her. I knew I should have locked the damn thing.

"Amy, how long were you standing there?" I ask her.

"I'm not talking to you, I hate you." She said before closing the door and running off. I don't want her to hate me, especially for something that she doesn't even understand. I knew I was going to have to talk to her, but how am I supposed to do that if I know she's not going to want to listen to me?

Suddenly, I thought of the perfect idea.

"Go talk to her." I turned back to Vic.

"Why, and tell her what exactly?" He asked.

"Just like, try to tell her what's going on with us, in a way a child could understand." I explained, but he looked at my like I just told him to go and find a cure for cancer.

"Shouldn't you be the one to do that." He sighed and sat back down on the chair. "You're her brother, not me."

"You heard what she said, 'she hates me'." I mocked. "So come on." I grabbed Vic's arm and tried to pull him up from the chair, but he was wasn't letting himself. He just sat there with a smug face as I pulled at him.

"Okay, and if I do this, what will I get in return?" He asked with a grin.

"Um.." I stalled, looking around my room. What could he possibly want? "I don't know, I'll uh, do whatever you want."

"Anything?" He said, finally standing up with a brow raised, looking intrigued.

"Yeah, sure." I said, letting go of his hand now that he was up from the chair himself.

"Okay." He shrugged. "But just so you know, I would have done it anyway." He said before walking right past me and out of my bedroom, leaving me with my jaw to the floor. What an ass.

I rolled my eyes before rushing down the hall, right before Vic knocked on the door that Amy and Dodie share- because it had their name on it. I stood behind him as he did so, and shortly, Amy opened the door and eyed the both of us. We stood there awkwardly for a while, until I nudged Vic to say something.

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