Griffin POV
It's that time of the year again where I loose sleep and stress over grades, case to impress my family, and try to get to school on time. As a matter of fact, I'm already late for my first day of junior year.
Now that all may seem kinda glum. I'm not depressed I swear, I'm just a uh. Pessimist. Glass half empty kind of guy. As for school the biggest thing I hate is the social status everyone so desperately strives for.
Now the past three years I've blended in, quite well might I add. Having friends in many different social circles, and never standing out too much. Keeping the mess of a home life I have under wraps.
By mess I mean like a total shit storm, I'm talking like drunk absent minded mother and an altogether absence of a dad. Coming home to Andrea in another of her drunken stupors, either asleep in a pig sty of an apartment, or just an empty apartment for days on end with no clue as to where she is.
In some ways her absence in a good thing, I can have friends over and actually get my work done, as opposed to me cleaning the apartment and reminding her to pay the electric bill. Many times.Anyway enough sob stories, like I said. Glass half empty. Also I'm still late, I put my headphones and blear my favorite song of the week on repeat as I race to school on my bike.
I arrive late. Maybe fifteen minutes into first period, as usual. My first year french teacher having a tardy slip already filled out and ready for me as I walk in. I find my first class and apologize to the teacher and find a seat in the back of the class.This year is going to be especially tough for me I already know, because over the summer I had a very big falling out with a very important friend of mine, April was the only person that I trusted with all my fucked up personal life. She and I had met in fourth grade when Andrea moved us here after dad had left. And ever since we have been completely inseparable, that is until now.
I can't even look in her direction without feeling like total shit.
So this year means bottled up emotions and solitary lunches because my only friend hates my guts.It took me a few minutes to realize but my teacher. Whome I hadn't cared to learn his name. Was giving me the evil eye due to the fact my music was still playing very loudly through my headphones and inhibited me from hearing my name while he was taking attendance.
"Griffin Taylor. This won't be a uh reoccurring problem will it?"
"No, sir" I said quietly and paused my music.
He nodded and continued.
"Jackson Torres"An arm raised shyly next to me, it was attached to a blonde haired boy in a tank top with a shy demeanor.
I hadn't really noticed him when I sat down, I really don't recognize him either. He must be new.
DragosteBoth Griffin and Jackson have found themselves in shitty situations, in both home and school life. They help each other and slowly form a bond. But how strong of a bond, and what does this mean for the two of them?