Moving Back?

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"What are you doing here?" I asked them, still hugging Ian.

"We knew we couldn't live without you and Rachael," Anthony said giving Rachael a side hug.

"Yeah," Ian agreed, "we couldn't stand it." I went over and hugged Anthony. It felt like the right thing to do."

"So," I asked confused, "are you saying you want us to come back and live with you permanently?"

"Yes..." Ian started. I cut him off.


"We already talked to your parents. They said it was fine," Anthony finished Ian's sentence.

"I need time to pack, I have to say goodbye to my friends..." I said talking to both Ian and Anthony.

"It's fine," Ian reassured me, "we're in no rush to get back 'home'. We drove here anyways."

"You didn't take a plane?" Rachael said in confusion.

"No, there wasn't any immediate flights," Anthony said back.

"And we each drove our own cars so you would have room for your stuff," Ian butted in.

So, I did what I needed to. I packed up almost all of my stuff. I told my mom not to touch my wall of pictures because I would be visiting. She said she wouldn't. I waved my parents goodbye as I got in the front seat of Ian's car. Rachael got into Anthony's car. We drove ahead because I was stopping at my friends houses. After I had said goodbye to all my friends, including my Abby Cadabby, it was off to live in California. I was still in shock. I mean, I had just graduated high school. I didn't even get a chance to go to college. I didn't want to though, this was much better. Me, living with Ian Hecox. Me, having Ian as a boyfriend. This is my dream life. And I'm living it right now.

Since it would take a few days to get to California, we stayed at a hotel room that night. There was only two beds. Again, I had to sleep with Rachael. I would never tell her this, but she is a pain to sleep with. Like, she takes up most of the bed, occasionally talks in her sleep, and rolls around a lot. Which leaves me on the edge of the bed and with no sleep at ALL. The other crappy thing is we had to wake up around three and leave the hotel at four in the morning. I was already wide awake when the alarm went off at three. Both Anthony and me reached to turn the alarm off. Our hands touched and we both laughed. It was a pain to get Rachael and Ian up. Anthony and I tried not to scream too loud so we would wake up the neighbors.

"Come on Rachael!" I screamed in a hush voice. She didn't wake up so I climbed on top of her and hit her with my pillow. I could tell she was angry.

"Okay! I'm fucking getting up!" she screamed pushing me off of her.

"Wake up Ian!" Anthony screamed in Ian's ear. Ian immediately jumped up.

"You bitch!" he screamed back at him.

We all started packing our stuff and getting dressed. It was awkward to get dressed because I had only changed in front of Rachael. We took turns in the bathroom, which was time consuming. It was exactly four when we checked out of the hotel. I fell asleep in the car, because Rachael kept me up all night. When I opened my eyes, I saw a sign that said, "Welcome to California!" I was excited to finally be there. A few hours later, we arrived at the house.

"Welcome home," Ian told me as I pulled into the driveway.

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