Rush To The Hospital

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***My P.O.V.***

I sat down in the chair across from Shane. I finally get to do a podcast with Shane Dawson. Shane Dawson. It's too bad that I'm pregnant and my stomach hurts. As a kid I would have never thought pregnancy would make my stomach hurt so much. "Okay let's get started," Shane said pulling out his notebook. About two hours later, we finished the podcast. I stood up and shook Shane's hand.

"Nice to meet you," I said with a smile.

"You too," he replied. I moaned and grabbed my stomach as Rachael and I walked out the door.

"You okay?" Rachael asked seeing what I was doing.

"Yeah...I'm..." I trailed off. Oh boy, not again. Suddenly, everything went completely black.

***Rachael's P.O.V.***

I screamed as Natalie fell to the cement of the parking lot. I ran inside and screamed for Shane.

"SHANE! NATALIE! FELL! CALL! 911!" I paused between every word. I guess he could actually understand me, because he immediately called 911. I called Ian and Anthony and they met me and Shane at the hospital.

"What happened?" Ian asked walking in the emergency doors accompanied by Anthony.

"I don't know," I responded trying to keep up with the fast EMTs. Ian sighed as we kept walking. All of us were immediately stopped by one of the nurses.

"Sorry but you can't go back with her," the nurse stated.

"But I'm her husband!" Ian butted in moving his hands for emphasis.

"She's bleeding excessively internally and externally," the nurse continued, "We can't let anybody back. Mrs. Hecox is in very bad shape. And her baby might be in danger also."

-To Be Continued In Book 3-

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