A Special Proposal

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***My P.O.V.***

I took my bags inside. The house didn't look any different from when I left.

"It's great to be home," I said to Rachael as we walked into our bedroom.

"Yeah," she agreed. Again, we unpacked our bags. This time, we had more stuff. I walked back through the living room to throw away another box where Ian and Anthony were sitting.

"So, I was thinking," Anthony suggested, stopping me, "maybe we could order a pizza? I mean, we could go out, but I thought you guys might want to finish packing."

"That sounds great," I said with a smile. "I'll go tell Rachael," I said walking back into the bedroom.

"Hey," she said without even looking at me. She was putting her clothes away.

"Anthony is going to order us a pizza for dinner," I said beginning to put my own clothes away.

"Cool," she said putting her last clothes in the dresser. "I'm done. Have fun!" she said with a smerk. Of course she finished before me. I never liked putting things away.

I picked up another one of my multiple boxes as Ian walked in the room. I turned around and almost dropped the glass music box in my hands. "Oh. Hey!" I said looking into his eyes. He just kind of looked at me. "Do you need something Ian?" I questioned in confusion.

"I...I just wanted to check in on you," he stuttered.

"Well," I said back, "I'm fine." Again, he stood there.

"Ian," I said in concern, "are you okay? You seem off. I'm worried."

"I just really love you Natalie. I mean, really love you," he said staring into my eyes.

"I love you too Ian," I said setting down the music box on the dresser.

"No. I love you more than I can say in words. More than anyone could tell you," Ian said getting on one knee. "Natalie, will you marry me?"

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