A Surprise Visit From Abby

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***Abby's P.O.V.***

I was so excited to see my best friends. I wanted to surprise visit them, so I didn't tell anybody. I smiled as I hopped on the plane. Hours later, the plane finally landed in California. Now, all I had to do was drive to their house and see them.

***Ian's P.O.V.***

I grabbed my laptop and pressed the power button. I was super bored since it was only me and Anthony in the house. Anthony came and sat down next to me on the couch. "Hey dude," he said, "What's up?"

"I don't know," I replied, "I guess I'm just really bored."

"Oh," Anthony sighed, "well, why don't we film an 'Ian Is Bored'? There is a lot of mail piling up in the garage since we got married."

"Sure," I said shutting my laptop, "Why not?" Then we heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it," I told him as I walked over to the door. I opened it to reveal a kind-of familiar girl. I swear I've seen her before. I just can't put a name to her face.

"Um...hi Ian," the girl stuttered.

"Hello?" I asked back, "And how do you know me?"

"I'm Natalie and Rachael's best friend," she replied with a smile.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, "You must be Abby! I remember you from the wedding." I shook her hand. "Nice to see you again."

"You too," she said shaking my hand back, "I'm looking for Natalie and Rachael."

"Well," I retorted, "they're actually out of the house. Natalie had to get her nails done and she took Rachael with her."

"Oh," she replied staring at the ground, "I really wanted to surprise them by visiting. But..."

''You can stay here until they come back," I butted in, "I'm sure they'd love to see you." Her face lit up. I motioned her inside. When she came inside, she looked distraught. Like she didn't know what to do. "Anthony," I said pointing at her, "this is Abby. She was Natalie's maid of honor in the wedding"

"Yeah,'' he responded, "I remember her." He went and shook her hand. "Nice to see you again." She sat down on the couch. But, not in a relaxed way, in an uncomfortable "I don't want to be here" way.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I asked her.

"No thank you," she replied.

"Anything to eat?" Anthony questioned her.

"No thank you," Abby repeated once again. It was really awkward. This was the first time I've ever felt uncomfortable in my own home. We all just sat there and didn't say anything. Abby didn't even take off her coat. I felt relieved when Natalie walked into the house.

***My P.O.V.***

I walked in the door and immediately saw Abby. She jumped off the couch and ran over to me. Abby gave me the biggest hug I think she's ever gave me. "Natalie!" she screamed.

"Abby!" I screamed hugging her back. "Oh my god! What are you doing here?!"

"I wanted to surprise you and Rachael!" she replied hugging Rachael.

"I'm sorry we weren't here when you got here," Rachael said glaring at me, "Natalie made me go with her to get her nails done."

"Oh! Let me see!" Abby exclaimed picking up my hand. My nails used to have play symbols for VidCon, but this time I got little bows just for fun. Abby moved over to talk to Rachael, so I went over to Ian. I gave him a quick kiss. He kissed me back.

"Hey babe," I said to Ian.

"Hey," he replied back. "What'd you do with your nails this time?"

I looked at him quizzically. He's never asked that before. "Why? You've never cared before."

"Well," he said giving me a hug, "I am going to have to see your nails every day now that we're married." I giggled. I went to the bathroom. When I came out, I decided to blow my nose. I saw blood. I grabbed a bunch of tissues and put them up to my nose.

"IAN!" I screamed. He ran up to me. "It's another nose bleed," I said calmly with a half smile.

"Oh god," Ian said softly sitting me down at the dining room table.

"OH MY GOD!" Abby screamed pointing at me. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO NATALIE!"

"Abby," Rachael said grabbing her arms, "it's just a nose bleed."

"HOW"D IT HAPPEN!" she kept screaming. "SHE WAS FINE A MINUTE AGO!"

"It's okay!" Rachael screamed. "This happens all the time with Natalie. Now calm down! If she's not calm, she'll lose more blood faster." After that, Abby calmed down. My nose bleed lasted about twenty minutes, which isn't bad for my nose bleeds. Anthony threw out the last tissue.

"I'm gonna go wash the blood off my face," I said standing up. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. God, I looked horrible. There was blood everywhere. I washed it off gently with a towel and walked back into the living room where everyone was sitting on the couch. "I'm sorry you had to see that Abby." I said looking at her.

"It's totally fine," she replied. I could tell she was freaked out. "Well," she said standing up, "I better get going."

"It was nice seeing you," I said giving her a hug.

"You too," she said walking out the door.

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