Natalie Hecox and Rachael Padilla

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***My P.O.V.***

I was woken up by a knock on our door. I put on my glasses and jumped out of bed. I was surprised to see my parents there. "Hi sweetie!" my mom yelled giving me a ferocious hug.

"Um...hi mom," I replied pulling away from her hug. "What are you doing here at five in the morning?"

"Here to help you get ready," my dad answered for my mom.

"You weren't supposed to be here until six," I replied pulling down my shirt over my underwear.

"So what?" my mom replied, "we're only an hour early!" By this time, Rachael had woken up. She got up and said hi to our parents. My parents basically just invited themselves in and set their stuff down on a dresser. It was already five-thirty and Ian and Anthony were both still sleeping like baby's. Rachael and I decided it was time to wake them up.

"Ian!" I screamed. He didn't wake up. "IAN!' I yelled again. This time he freaked out and fell off of the bed. Everybody was laughing except him. I guess Anthony had woken up when I was yelling.

"Very funny," he said sarcastically. I gave a hand to help him up. He stood up and gave Anthony an evil look for laughing at him. "Why'd you wake me up anyways?"

"Well," I started, "it's five-thirty already, we need to get ready for our wedding, and my parents are here."

"Oh," Ian said embarrassed, "Hello Mr. And Mrs. Lucas." I could tell he didn't like being in his boxers in front of my parents.

"Hey mom?" I politely asked her.

"Yes honey?"

"Could you maybe leave so maybe we could get dressed?" I said nervously.

"Oh," she responded, "it's fine! I promise I won't look!" I smacked my hand on my forehead.

"Come on honey," my dad said taking my mom out of the room, "let's give the brides and grooms a little space."

I sighed. "Well that was embarrassing," I said to everyone.

"I know," Ian agreed, "I'm only in my frickin' boxers and here your parents barge in!"

I put on my pants and Ian got a shirt and some pants on. Rachael and Anthony also got dressed. "You can come in now!" I yelled to my parents through the door. They walked back in. Around seven, some of the groomsmen and bridesmaids started arriving. The first that arrived were Abby and her brother, Zach. Abby, as you already know, was my maid of honor and Zach was to be Ian's best man. "ABBY!" I screamed and gave her a hug. "I haven't seen you in so long!"

"I know Nat-Nat Attack!" she yelled hugging me tighter.

"And Zach," I said walking over to him. I hugged him and he hugged me back. "It's been forever."

"I know!" he said back. Then, Eve, my silly-saurus, walked through the door.

"Eve!" I yelled running over to her. "It's been such a long time since I saw your face!"

"I know!" she screamed back.

"And I know you've never met him so," I said moving her toward Ian, "here he is!" She just kind of stared at him in shock. He grabbed her hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you Eve," he said with a smile.

"Oh my god..." she said still in shock, "it's actually you."

"In the flesh," he said with another smile.

"You know," she said snapping out of it, "Natalie used to obsess over you. I mean, she had pictures, videos, posters, everything of you."

"Oh God," I said laughing, covering my face with my hands. Ian just laughed and gave me a hug.

"Embarrassed much?" he said with a smile.

"Shut up!" I said with a laugh. He just started laughing again. Right in that moment, Ryan walked in. "Ryan!" I yelled giving him a side hug.

"Hi," he responded, hugging me back. Ryan was to be Anthony's best man.

After that everyone else showed up. Including Eryk, a groomsmen, Kenya, Katie, and Ally, Rachael's bridesmaids, Carly, Gabrielle, Mackenzie, and Emilie, my other bridesmaids, and Anthony and Ian's parents. It was ten now, and the wedding was at three o' clock, so we had plenty of time to get ready. All of my bridesmaids told me I looked beautiful in my dress and they told me they wish that they were me. I told them that was a little too extreme, but they didn't care. Every single bridesmaid and groomsmen were all wearing blue. Our wedding was like a fairytale wedding. After makeup and getting dressed, it was time to go to the church. Ian gave me one last kiss as we arrived at the church.

Rachael and I waited with our dad nervously. I tried to calm my nerves but I couldn't. The doors opened and everyone stood up and stared at us. Our flower girl, Gabby (Our used-to-be-neighbor) walked down the aisle. We followed. I tried not to look at everybody in the pews, but I couldn't help but glance. Some of our guests included Shane Dawson, Toby Turner, Lisa Schwartz, Pewdiepie, and Joey Graceffa. Ian and Anthony smiled as Rachael and I walked up to the podium. The ceremony went as planned and I was kind of in shock during it. I was almost zoned out.

"I do," I heard Ian and Anthony say in unison.

"Then you may now kiss your bride," the Priest said with a big smile.

Ian lifted my veil and gave me a kiss to seal the deal. Anthony did the same to Rachael. Everyone stood up clapping. I think I heard some cheering too.

Finally. I'm married to my dream husband.

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