It Comes Up Positive

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***Simon's P.O.V.***

I walked inside, following everyone else after seeing the life-size Tardis. We all sat back near the tree and I sat next to Zach. ''Hey Zach?" I asked turning towards him.

"Yeah?" he said helping Natalie clean up the wrapping paper.

"For Christmas," I continued, "could my present be you?"

"WHAT?!" he yelled dropping the wrapping paper in his hands.

''Like my boyfriend?" I said shyly. I noticed that everyone in the room had stopped what they were doing to look at me.

"Dude,'' he said grabbing my arm, "I'm not gay. I mean, yeah we're great friends, but I don't like you like that." Tears swelled up in my eyes. I ran into the spare bedroom and locked the door. Why'd I do that?

***Zach's P.O.V.***

I ran after Simon, but was locked out of the room he ran into. "Simon!" I yelled. "Come on! I didn't mean it like that!" I heard no response. When I walked back in the living room, Abby was already up in my grill.

"Why'd you do that to Simon!" she screamed. "And what's wrong with being gay!"

"I never said anything was wrong with being gay!" I yelled back at her. "And SORRY IF I DON'T WANT TO DATE MY BEST FRIEND!" My yelling was so loud, the whole house went silent. You couldn't even hear Simon crying. Everyone looked at me like I just murdered their families. Ian even took a few steps back from me. I stomped over to the door where Simon had locked himself in.

"Listen, Simon," I said leaning my head against the door, "if I try this whole 'boyfriend' thing out for like, a week, would that make you happy?" The door swung open and I almost fell over. Simon didn't even say anything. He just hugged me tightly. I could hear noises coming from the living room and I yelled back, "Shut up."

-A Few Days Later-

***Rachael's P.O.V.***

I walked in the office to find Anthony sitting on the computer. "Do you happen to know where Natalie is?" I asked him walking over to the desk.

"Um," he answered, focus still on the computer screen, "I think she's in the living room with Ian. She said she wasn't feeling good."

"Okay," I sighed. Natalie always had ''stomach pains''. What a liar. I walked to the living room to find Natalie laying on the couch, grabbing her stomach. "Hey," I yelled playfully sitting on her.

"GOD!" she yelled shaking me off her, "YOU WEIGH LIKE 5 TONS!"

"So," I continued, acting like nothing happened, "I was thinking we could do a 'New Year' video. Like to a really old song."

"I don't know if I can dance," she responded.

"Come on!" I begged, "We haven't made a new video in forever! Can't you just dance through the pain?"

"I don't know..." she sighed.

"You love dancing! It's how we make a living!" I kept begging. "I'll even do the choreography!"

"Fine!" she yelled. "Just leave me alone."

"Okay!" I mocked sticking my tongue out at her. I spent the next few hours choreographing the dance. I rushed into the living room, where Natalie was still lying. It looked like she hadn't moved at all. I shoved the papers at her. "Let's start practicing!" I exclaimed. She very slowly stood up and stood next to me. Just a few minutes into practice, she fell over and screamed, clenching her stomach.

"Seriously!" I yelled helping her up. "Your using your 'stomach pains' thing to get out of dancing too? What the hell?"

"I'M NOT FAKING!" Natalie yelled in my face. She stormed to her bedroom and slammed the door. I know she's faking, I'm not wrong.

***My P.O.V.***

I sat down on the bed and lay down. I can't believe Rachael would so mean. I'm not faking. Who would go to that extreme just to get out of dancing. I love dancing- it's my profession. I must have fell asleep because I was awoken at ten when Ian came in our bedroom. "How you feeling?" he asked sitting down next to me.

"Not that great," I replied with a half-smile. He sighed. "Hey Ian?"

"Yeah," he responded laying down next to me.

''Do you know...?"

He paused, thinking about what I meant. "No! couldn't be."

"But," I said looking in his eyes, "It's a possibility." He stared at me, again taking a minute to think. I ran to the bathroom closing and locking the door behind me.

***Ian's P.O.V.***

I waited nervously outside the bathroom. What could be taking her so long? A few minutes later, the door opened. I turned around and looked at her. "Well?" I asked Natalie.

"Ian," she responded, "you're going to be a dad."

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