anything to make my little man happy

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"Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Harley Happy birthday to you!" We all sing I place the cake on the table in front of a happy Harley.

"Happy birthday Sweetheart" I say kissing his little cheeks he hugs me and Toby right before blowing out his candles everyone Cheer's surrounding the room. I start to cut pieces of the Chocolate mud cake Harley's favourite I hand them happily Hanna stands next to me with her Boyfriend Rick. he treated Hanna well and that's all we've ever wanted Aria and Ezra walk over with there 1 year old little girl Dannielle she was really cute. "You're 3 now you're a big boy now!" Ezra hugs him before he stuff's himself with the cake that I'd made for him. I look over to see My mum with one year old Emma she looked so happy with Mum and dad it made my heart melt. A kiss is placed on my cheek I cock my head to the side I smile seeing my Handsome husband standing next to me smiling down at me.

"Do you want a piece of cake?" I giggle cutting more up handing it to more and more people everyone seemed to be enjoying my cake. He shakes his head wrapping his arms around my waist smashing my lips against his in a heated yet loving kiss. I bite his bottom lip his hands grip my butt tightly I smirk pushing him away kissing his cheek "Love you Babe" I whisper walking over to mum and Emma taking her into my arms tickling her belly causing her to giggle adorably. Mum and dad walk over to us smiling "We're very proud of you Spencer, You've done amazing for yourself" I smile resting a tired Emma on my hip kissing her cheek "I couldn't have done it without you guys thanks" They nod disappearing into the crowd I feel someone tugging on my shirt I bend down so I'm level with Harley I kiss his forehead holding his hand "Thanks mummy this has been the best birthday ever!" I smile wrapping an arm around him hugging him tightly anything to make my little man happy


My eyes scatter the room looking for Spencer I finally spot her Tight lace white dress she was leaning on both knees with a sleeping Emma on her hip hugging Harley tight tears streaming down her gorgeous Face. I start to walk over but Rick approaches me looking extremely nervous "Are you okay?" I ask resting a hand on his shoulder he shake his head looking down at the wooden floor I grab his hand pulling him into another room so it was private.

"What's wrong?" I ask his eyes lock with mine they become watery I instantly start to panic

"T-They need me back in Iraq, I have to do it its my Job I lay down my life to protect this country but I just don't know how I'm supposed to tell Hanna" He sniffles Rick had only been back for a few months Hanna was a mess when he was gone.

"When do you leave?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest leaning against the Door locking it he sighs sitting on the couch

"2 days they don't know how long I'll be gone but my guess is that it'll be ages" His voice was filled with so much emotion I knew he would break down soon I walk over to him sitting down gripping his shoulder tight.

"She cares about you Rick it'll be okay" He nods resting his head in his hands sobbing I wrap an arm around him resting my head on his back rubbing it comfortably


I walk into mine and Toby's room he was laying on his side staring out the window I lay down beside him wrapping my arms around his waist kissing his shoulder. "The kids are asleep there so tired" I laugh he doesn't say anything I start to worry I tap his shoulder not a move I get off the bed walking over to his side kneeling down on both knees. His eyes lock with mine he looked upset like he had bad news I raise both eyebrows he sits up taking my hands guiding me to sit on the bed with him. "It's Rick they need him back in Iraq he doesn't know how long he'll be gone he hasn't told Hanna yet" I take a deep breath nodding trying to take in all information that I'd just received. His grip on my hands tighten he pulls me into his lap I sit between his legs kissing his knuckles "She'll be okay" I mutter he nods kissing my head holding me closer if that was even possible

"You did amazing today" He says I pull away sitting next to him so I could see his handsome face "Everyone pitched in couldn't have done it without everyone's help" Toby shakes his head wrapping an arm around my waist. "You did amazing Spence I'm proud of you" I peck his lips unzipping my dress I get changed into more comfortable clothes bed Toby takes his shirt off lying down next to me pulling the sheets over me. I snuggle into his side placing a small kiss on his shoulder before drifting to sleep.

"Night Baby girl"
"I love you"

First chapter of: You're my everything-2


You're my everything(Book 2)(COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now