"Tell Toby I love him"

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Toby was working all day today considering how close it was until I went into labour Aria and Hanna we're spending the day with me. And the kids were with my parents Hanna and Aria we're sitting on the lounge when I walk into the room "My water just broke" I say breathlessly They both scream Aria helps me into the car I take deep breaths Aria calls Toby while Hanna grabs my hospital bag and drives me to the hospital.

"OH JESUS HANNA HURRY THE HELL UP!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs she curses before we finally arrive at the hospital we walk in the doctors come out getting me on a hospital bed. The girls follow me into the room I scream so loud I was surprised the girls hadn't gone deaf


Spencer laid down on the bed screaming Hanna on one side I was on the one side holding her hands down. "Okay she's far enough she can start pushing" Spencer lets out a scream as she pushes with her everything "Come on Spencer you've got this!!" I call out to her Hanna holds her hand tighter looking at me with fear In her eyes

Hours Later She'd finally had the Baby "It's a little girl!"

Machines start to beep loudly "Her Heart rate is slowing down we're loosing her "Aria, Hanna" We both turn to her giving her our attention "Tell Toby I love him" Her eyes start to shut Hanna screams grabbing her hand "Spencer!!" I scream the doctors grab us from the trying to resuscitate Spencer. The doctors had to forcefully remove us from the room Hanna grabs my hand and squeeze's it so tight I'm surprised it didn't fall off "She's going to be okay come on this is Spencer" Hanna says calming down I nod agreeing "Yeah she'll be fine"


After getting the call from Aria informing me that Spencer's water broke I quickly drive over to the hospital running into the room where Aria and Hanna were sitting down crying. I run over to them kneeling down on both knees They both look at me with sympathy but I still didn't understand "W-What's wrong?" I ask holding Hanna's hand "You've got a beautiful baby girl Toby" Aria comments I smile but still don't quite understand why there so upset "Spencer wanted us to tell you she loves you..." I stand up confused I know Spencer loves me what does that have to do with anything?

Now we all know that some mother's can die from giving birth to children I haven't decided wether they did rescuitate Spencer or wethere sadly she does Pass away

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