"I'll always find you"

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I feel like it's the same thing every day but in fact it was the same every day. Wren would sleep with me at night sexually touch me. He never forced himself on me which I was grateful. I tried to escape once when he was out I fell down the stairs and hurt my ankle the worst part of all of this is that I don't know wether I still have my Baby. Wren walks back upstairs smirking at my body in desire I look away disgusted with him. "Toby will come for me and when he does he will make sure you Rot you bastard!" I yell his hand slaps across my face in anger I spit in his face moving off the bed towards the wall "You dare speak to me like that he will never find you I'll make bloody sure of that" He smashes his lips to mine I kick him in the leg he falls to the ground in pain. "Serves you right" I mumble under my breath


"Please just take care of the kids, I don't know when I'll be back but I need to know that my children are safe" I demand Handing Emma's and Harley's bags over to Veronica and Peter. She nods sadly Peter slings an arm over her shoulder leaning his head against her. "Just please find my daughter" Veronica pleads I look right into her eyes and all I see is sadness I used to see Hope and now it's sadness. "I don't intend to come back until I do" I say walking out of the door my shoulders shaking with nerves I slam the door shut. I get into the police car putting on my seat belt when my phone started ringing. I sigh grabbing it quickly answering it


"Toby it's Tanner"

"Is there any news?"

"We've traced a call that was made from Wren's mobile"

"Hotel Royal it's been shut down for a few years it's in the middle of nowhere"

"I know it meet me there?"

"Of course I'll gather everyone and meet you there but listen to me Toby there's a chance Spencer might not be there" I wasn't Stupid I knew there was a chance Spencer wouldn't be there but I loved her and if she was there I wouldn't give up.

"I don't care Tanner if she's there she's my first priority" I hang up driving to the destination where Wren was if he'd hurt her if he'd even laid a hand on her I'd kill him there and then.

We all parked outside of the hotel a few blocks from it so they didn't see us coming right away. Minutes later we all gather into our positions and walk towards the building I was out of my police uniform so Wren didn't know I was on duty but was still protected. I walk towards the building "Wren!" I yell slamming the door open

"Wren!" I hear Toby's voice yell through the Hotel I get to my feet but am pushed back to the wall by one of Wren's men. "Please Just Let me go he won't hurt me or you please if you let me go" His eyes lock with mine they were filled with fear he didn't really want to hurt me he just did whatever Wren said. "I can't because then Wren will hurt me" I shake my head holding his hand that was pining my wrist to the wall. "If you let me go my Husband Toby he won't let him hurt you Trust me no one hates Wren more than me. I lost my child because of him" I sob he lets go of my hand looking at me with such sorrow "I'm so sorry" He whispers he shakes his head "What?" I ask he Apologises again kicking me in the stomach I yell in more pain than I'd ever felt before. "SPENCER!" The smallest smile appears on my lips when I hear Toby's voice calling out my name he kicks me again grabbing a chunk of my hair slamming me into the door. My vision starts to cloud I was slowly loosing it all my heartbeat was slowing down. Police fill the room Pushing wren against the wall cuffing him I'm pulled into warm safe arms kissing my passionately "God I knew I'd find you" He whispers I cup his cheek looking into his beautiful eyes "You found me" I gasp he wraps his arms around me I hug the life out of him kissing his cheek "I'll always find you" He whispers he helps me stand up I wince in pain "My ankle I can barley walk" I mutter he picks me up bridal style I wrap my arms around his neck resting my head in the crook of his neck holding him close. I was unbelievably happy that he had found me I knew he would he would always find me and I would always find him.


Spencer runs into the room wrapping her arms around Harley so close I could of sworn he was struggling to breath "Oh my beautiful boy my beautiful baby boy" She cries Harley kisses her cheek placing his small hand on her cheek "You're home mumma" He smiles she nods hugging her parents before walking up stairs into the spare room to hold our daughter. Peter walks up to me and by surprise he engulfs me into a small but sweet hug. He grips my shoulder tears streaming down his cheeks "Thank you for finding my daughter if you hadn't who knows what Wren would've done to her" I nod hugging Veronica as well running my hand through Harley's hair "The baby?" Veronica asks me looking with hope I shake my head crying quietly "No the baby didn't make it" I say with all the pain and heartbreak that was running through my body. My son or daughter didn't make it because of Wren I'll never even know what gender the baby was.

Yeah wasn't that a packed chapter



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