Scared Little Girl.

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Love Hangover. 

Part 31.

Liam's P.O.V. 

Blurry blue figures bobbed past me frequently. I didn't register them. They didn't register me. They were too busy saving lives. No one has told me anything about Emelie yet. I'm not even allowed to see her which is making me even more anxious. I knew there was something wrong with Emelie. I just knew it! 

I never knew how violently my hands were shaking until Flora placed her own over them. My attention turned to her and her tear stained face. She was just as torn up about this as I was. 

" Why won't they tell us whats going on?" She sniffled. My hand slipped from her grasp and I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her close to my chest. 

" Emelie will be fine. Knowing her, she probably will be back to normal tomorrow," I spoke, attempting to reassure her. 

" I don't know Liam. . . She hasn't been herself lately," Flora mumbled into my chest. Sadly, she was correct. Emelie hasn't been her normal, bubbly self recently. I can tell she's hiding something behind that smile. 

Emelie's P.O.V. 

My fingers tugged at my blue hospital gown absentmindedly whilst my body lay numb on the uncomfortable bed. I was all alone in this large room. The beating of my heart was acompanied by a loud, sharp beep that some sort of machine was producing. It was highly irritating. It was driving me insane. I feel as if i'm trapped in this room. There were no windows, only one door which was closed. I need some human interaction soon, preferably with my parents or Liam but as I am desperate, any human being would do for now. 

At this very moment, I feel like a scared little girl. A scared little girl who is in need of comfort and care. Is that too much to ask for? 

At that very moment, the door in front of me creaked open and the nurse from earlier bustled in with a clipboard and a tray of food. She plastered a small smile across her lips once her eyes locked contact with mine, however, my own lips remained straight and pursed. 

" Your blood samples and X-rays have been sent to the lab for inspection, in the meantime try and have a bite to eat," She explained, her voice soft. Once she finished speaking, she placed the tray on my lap and perched herself at the bottom of my bed. On the tray was a glass of water, a bowl of porridge by the looks of it and a tub of freshly washed green grapes and strawberries. 

" I'm not really hungry, but thank-you," I croaked as I tore my eyes away from the food. Her lips twitched upwards into yet another small smile. 

" You're welcome, love. I know it's not the best of food but then again, this is a hospital," She responded with a light laugh. I tried my hardest to at least crack a smile but it felt almost impossible. " I know this isn't an easy position to be in but you're doing well, Emelie. I can't promise you that things will get better but what I can promise you is that if you keep a positive attitude then you'll find this a whole lot easier. It may be a rollercoaster but as long as you keep a smile on your face, you'll be fine," She informed me, her kind blue eyes burning in to my own. I began to nod but my vision became blurred with salty water. My breathing sped up and my body hunched over my tray as the tears began flowing. The nurse immediately moved up so that she was beside me and threw her arms around my shaking body. " Let it all out, honey. Its ok," She soothed, her calming voice lingering in the atmosphere. And I did. I let it all out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2013 ⏰

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