Mr Sulky.

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Love Hangover...<3

Part 9 - Mr Sulky.


Flora nodded towards the sofa, signalling for me to take a seat. As I planted myself down, I noticed Flora nibble on her lower lip whilst shooting Zayn a nervous glance from across the room. Zayn was sat on the sofa opposite me also looking nervous but no where near as nervous as Flora which was now beginning to worry me slightly. Zayn had finally convinced her to tell me whats going on.

My eyes followed Flora over to her space on the sofa next to Zayn where he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. Is there something going on there? Snapping back to reality, I shook the thought out of my head then focused on my best friend.

" Im sorry about yesterday Em... I was out of order. I should have never have spoken to you like that," Flora began apologetically.

" It's fine. I understand. I shouldn't have kept asking you," I smiled weakly.

" No, you were worried about me and I was being a moody cow," She sighed.

" Hmm... So whats wrong?" I interrogated, arching my eyebrow slightly. Flora and Zayn exchanged glances before he nodded briefly towards her causing her to let out a small sigh.

" You know how a couple of months ago I started seeing that boy Josh?" She asked. I nodded, uncertain about what she was about to tell me.

" Well... He's b-back," She stammered uneasily.

" What do you mean Flo?" I questioned, a confused expression etching across my face. She let out yet another sigh before continuing.

" He's back. He keeps on phoning and texting me. He's started to come round here sometimes. I don't know what to do Em," She whimpered, her voice quavering whislt her botton lip trembled. I sat frozen to the spot. My eyes widened and my eyebrows shot up even further than they already were.

" But.. But I thought he was gone for good," I croaked. All Flora done was shrug her shoulders helplessly. " You have to go to the police about this! He's harrassing you!" I exclaimed, raising my voice.

" I've already tried to convince her to go but she refuses," Zayn commented with a sigh.

" Thats because i'm scared. I don't want him thinking i'm useless and pathetic. You haven't the slightest idea what he's like! He's part of a gang! Did you know that? If I go to the police then god knows what will happen when they go after him," Flora ranted as tears gathered in her eyes due to fear and stress.

Zayn and I watched as she stood up and sidled towards the window, hiding her face so we couldn't see her cry. Flora doesn't like people seeing her cry. She rarely cries so this must be serious.

" I've told her if he harasses her once more them i'm going to deal with it," Zayn murmured to me.

" Don't do anything stupid Zayn," I warned but I knew that he couldn't promise anything with the anger dancing around in his brown eyes.

Sighing, I stood up and joined Flora over by the window where I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her tight. She wrapped her arms around me as well and we stood by the window hugging.

" Don't worry about it. We'll deal with

it ok? Don't let him put you down. He's nothing but a rotten, lying, cheating, two faced, inconsiderate, twat who needs to grow up. You're better than him and you're way out of his league. Just ignore him, don't give him any attention whats so ever and he'll eventually get bored," I advised her, attempting to build her confidence up again. She tilted her tear stained face upwards to face me and blinked her shiny green orbs before nodding timidly.

Love Hangover. ( A One Direction fanfiction.)Where stories live. Discover now