Life's too short.

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Love Hangover.

  Whilst stifling a yawn, I slumped onto one of the stools in Harry and Louis' kitchen. Liam trailed in seconds after, lightly brushing past me whilst sending me a sleepy smile. I smiled back before running a hand through my bed-hair.   

" Pancakes anyone?" Harry questioned with a large grin on his face. Before anyone had the chance to respond, Niall pranced into the kitchen and swiped a few of the the blueberry pancakes before grabbing a set of keys off the counter.   

" Bye lads!" He called with a mouthful full of the sweet substance. And with that he was gone. Harry stood open mouthed as he stared at his plate of pancakes; only half of them remained. Liam and I exchanged highly amused looks and attempted to stifle our giggles but failed miserably when Harry shot us both death glares.   

" I'll have some," Liam chuckled as he grabbed a plate from the cupboard. Harry looked towards me but I shook my head.  

" Not for me, I'm not hungry," I announced. Harry allowed his emerald eyes to linger on me for a few moments before joining his eyebrows together.  

" Are you sure? There's plenty here," He informed me.

  " Honestly, I'm not hungry! I'll just have a coffee or a glass of fresh orange juice," I replied, declining his offer. He nodded briefly before placing the plate of pancakes on the table so he could grab a mug for my coffee.  " Thanks," I murmured as he began searching for the sugar. I turned my head to find Liam shooting me a worrying glance but I sent him a small smile before accepting my freshly brewed coffee from Harry.  " Thank-you Harold," I teased, knowing that it would get on his nerves. Harry rolled his eyes in response.

" You're welcome, Emelie Alexandrea Helena Matthews," He shot back with an evil smirk. This time I glared at him with cold eyes as I grounded my teeth together. Damn. He knows I hate that. 

" Touché," I finally replied, a smirk prominent on my lips. Harry grinned in victory before taking a gulp of his own coffee, regretting it when the steaming hot liquid burned his tongue, mouth and throat. Liam and I stifled our giggles once again, earning yet another glare from a frazzled Harry. 

  " MORNING CAMPERS!" Louis announced in a nasally voice as he waltzed into the kitchen, fully dressed in red skinny jeans and his signature blue and white striped top. Zayn trudged in after him with one eye opened and a pair of boxer shorts on.    " What can I sme- ooh pancakes!" Louis exclaimed before pinching Harry's plate.   

" You have got to be kidding me," Harry groaned, face palming himself. Louis took no notice and began gobbling down his stolen breakfast like no one was watching him.  I shook my head with laughter at the pair of them and began quizzing myself why I had agreed to become their personal assistant. I was more like their babysitter. Minutes later, Zayn slumped down on the stool next to me with a steaming hot mug of coffee, still finding it hard to keep both eyes open.

  " Late night?" I questioned, remembering that I fell asleep soon after the whole rumour thing. Zayn tilted his head to look at me before nodding. 

  " Remind me to never stay up until 5 in the morning with Louis ever again," He groaned as he allowed his forehead to collapse onto the breakfast bar with a thud. I chuckled silently before taking another sip of my coffee.

" So what's on the agenda for today?" I asked the boys who all ended up shrugging their shoulders, except from Louis.   

" Actually, I was thinking we can have some Louis, Emelie time," Louis informed me as a smile spread across his face.  

" Louis, Emelie time?" I questioned. Louis nodded his head.   

" Yup. We can go shopping and grab something to eat and go unicorn watching," He gabbled before going on to list everything under the sun to do.   

Love Hangover. ( A One Direction fanfiction.)Where stories live. Discover now