More than a bump ?

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Love Hangover...<3

Part 13 - More than a bump ?


~ Emelie's POV ~

My eyes immediately screwed back up due to the blinding lights that surrounded me. Within those two seconds of being awake, I just knew there was a killer headache waiting to develop. A small groan slipped from my mouth as I attempted to shift around but then I realised that Liam had his arms wrapped tightly around me. The groan soon turned into a small smile as I watched Liam's eye flutter open, revealing his warm chocolate brown orbs.

" Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," I yawned, smiling apologetically.

His lips curve upwards forming one of his adorable smiles.

" It's fine, about time I was up anyway," He croaked in his morning voice. God I love his morning voice.

" Guessing by your groan that you have a hangover?" He asked, reading my mind.

" Sadly," I sighed before burying my head into his naked chest. His hand soon began stroking my hair soothingly which almost made me fall asleep in his arms again but we were sadly disturbed after a while due to the loud ringing of Liam's phone.

" Sorry babe," He murmured whilst unwrapping his arms from around me

and lazily reaching over to collect his phone. As he taps the accept button, I roll off his lap and move towards the edge of the bed, wincing slightly as a pain shoots up my side where the bruise is located. What is wrong with me ? Is this even normal?

As I sit trying to recover from the severe pain, I listen to Liam speak down the line to whoever was on the phone to him.

" Oh yeah, I forgot about that! What time?" He questioned.

" Right, see you then, bye."

Just as he ends the call, I stand up and stretch my arms up a little bit but even that hurts which results me crippling over in pain.

" Em? Are you alright?" Liam quizzed in a concerning tone.

" Yeah... Just got a... a pain in my side," I stammered, trying to cover up the fact that I was in complete agony.

" You don't look good. Sit down," He ordered whilst gently placing his arms on my good side and my arm.

" What's up?" He interrogated.

" I don't feel too good," I sighed. " I've bruised my side and I keep on getting shooting pains."

" Can I see it?" He asked whilst nibbling his lower lip anxiously. I nod briefly before gently tugging at the left side of my top, revealing a larger than normal, deep purple bruise. Even Liam let out a small gasp. My eyes widen as well. It's gotten larger over night.

" What did you do?" He questioned whilst inspecting it closely. I shrug my shoulders helplessly and let out another sigh.

" I must have banged it off the door handle or something. I don't remember falling," I explained, attempting to convince myself that that was the only solution.

" It looks painful," He sighed, pouting his lips. " Does it hurt?"

" Like a bitch," I moaned, dropping my top back down to cover it up.

" Aww poor baby," He pouted, pulling me carefully onto his lap. I giggled slightly whilst snuggling into his neck. He gently laced our hands together then placed a sweet kiss on my cheek. If I could, I would just fall asleep there and then in his lap and he could kiss me all he wanted to but I don't think he'd be too comfy.

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