You Deserve Better.

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Love Hangover.

I spent at least ten minutes in the bathroom just sitting on the floor. Mine and Harry's conversation replayed over and over again in my mind which only made me feel sick. 

I want to be sick.

Maybe if I was then Harry's words would dissapear down the toilet with it.

This is beginning to become repetitive. Crying over Harry. Crying over his words. It's pathetic. I'm pathetic. 

Sighing, I hauled myself off the cold tiles and stood in front of the sink where a fairly sized mirror hung above. My eyes lingered on my reflection, noticing the dark circles under my eyes and the hollowness of my cheekbones. My eyebrows furrowed together. They don't usually stand out like that. My gaze dropped to my body where my baby blue coloured t-shirt drowned me just like Liam's hoodies did. Weird. This t-shirt used to cling to my curves. 

My hand curiously tugged at the hem of my shirt so that it rose a few inches up my skin, revealing my stomach. Shock hit me for the first time. 

You could see my ribs. 

My fingers automatically traced the outlines of my bones causing a million and one shivers to shoot down my spine. How on earth did this happen? 

I was healthy.

I eventually noticed the bruise that has been visible on my skin for the last few weeks. My nose wrinkled in disgust at it. Everything about it was horrible. It's shape. It's colour. But then again, bruises aren't meant to be pretty. 

I remember that it used to be painful. The bruise. It hasn't caused me pain in a while which must be a good sign. . . right? 

As my head shook from side to side, I pulled my shirt down and ran my fingers through my tangled hair. It's a bruise. It's not as if i'm dying. 

Before exiting the bathroom, I stole one last glance at myself in the mirror and allowed, yet another sigh to escape my lips. 

'All I need is a good night's sleep' I told myself as I trudged down the hallway, towards the kitchen.


" Jesus christ!" I exclaimed as I bumped into a figure on my way into the kitchen. A low, cheeky chuckle confirmed it was Liam. Once I gained my balance back, I tilted my head upwards to find Liam staring down at me with his milk chocolate eyes and a small smile etched onto his lips. " You gave me a fright," I gasped as I placed my hand on my heart, feeling it pound rapidly against my chest. 

" Sorry, Em," He chuckled again, holding his hands up in defence. I half smiled as I shook my head. 

" It's fine," I sighed. " When did you get home?" 

" About two minutes ago," He answered whilst stealing a glance at the clock on the wall behind me. My head bobbed up and down, taking in his answer but I never spoke. 

" Are you ok? You look... tired," He informed me whilst tucking a fallen strand of hair behind my ear. The corners of my lips twitched upwards at his kind gesture and I nodded my head slightly. 

" I am," I breathed, deflating a little bit. " I'm just in need of a good nights sleep."

A smile returned to Liam's lips as he looked down at me. Man, I need to start growing. 

" It is quite late," He murmured rather quietly. " Would you like me to drive you home?" 

" You don't have to," I told him, shaking my head. 

" But I want to," He grinned, causing a small bubble of laughter to escape my lips. In reply, I reached onto my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around his neck. I immediately felt his strong muscular ones snake around my waist and pull me closer to his chest. I couldn't help but close my eyes and allow a smile to take over my lips. I love Liam's hugs. They're just so. . . comforting. 

Love Hangover. ( A One Direction fanfiction.)Where stories live. Discover now