Flora's Secret.

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Love Hangover...<3

Part 8 - Flora's Secret.


Something wasn't right. She seemed so distant lately, like she was on another planet. Whenever I try to confront her she dismisses our conversation and conjures up an excuse to leave or changes the subject completely. That isn't like Flora. She's usually bubbly, chatty, excited about everything. Now theres rarely a sparkle in her eyes. Whatever it is she isn't telling me and i'm now growing more worried about her by the day.

At this very moment, Flora and I are sat at our favourite table by the window in Starbucks, sipping at our drinks and nibbling on our rolls after a successful day of shopping. I have to admit, Flora has been a tad more bubbly than she has been over these past few days but she still isn't her normal self.

" Flo?" I question, deliberately trying to attract her attention. Her big green eyes move themselves onto me and her mouth etches into a small smile.

" Yeah?" She replies. I study her for a few moments, noticing the dark puffy circles under her eyes which have been attempted to be covered up with make-up.

" Is everything ok? You've not been... You lately," I hesitate, biting my lip. Her face fell for a moment but she immediately tried to brighten up in attempt to fool me.

" Of course, everything's great. I've just not been getting to bed early at all," She laughed lightly. My left eyebrow quirked up but I sent her a brief nod then took another sip of my coffee. I still didn't believe her.

After a few minutes I decided to try again.

" You can tell me anything you know," I hinted. She turned her attention from staring out the window to looking at me, her lips pursed together and her eyebrows beginning to knit together.

" I tell you everything and I know that I can always come to you no matter what happens," She shot back.

" Then why aren't you?" I question quietly whilst picking at my unwanted roll. Her gaze drops to her mug of coffee, her teeth tugging at her lower lip gently, becoming slightly agitated.

" Can we drop this please?" She quizzes bluntly. Sighing, I shake my head firmly.

" No. Theres something you're not telling me and i'm worried about you Flo. Please just tell me," I plead, genuinely worried about my best friend.

" Just leave it! There is nothing wrong with me and if there was then I don't need you asking me whats wrong every five flaming minutes!" She hissed through a raised voice. My mouth fell open in disbelief as she rose from her seat, grabbed her shopping bags and stormed out of the shop. I was only concerned. There was a sigh waiting to be released from my chest so I allowed it to escape my lips then I buried my head in my hands, frustration taking over my system.


After knocking several times on the door, I stood back and waited patiently for someone to answer. Eventually, muffled footsteps became audible and the door creaked open, revealing a face that I was hoping to see. As soon as he recognised me his face lit up and he opened the door wider, encouraging me to come inside. With a slight smile fixed on my face, I entered the apartment to be welcomed with open arms. All my worries melted away instantly.

" How was your day?" Liam asked as we parted.

" Hmm... Well it started off good but..." I trailed off, sighing.

" Why? What's happened?" He questioned, popping his eyebrow.

" Flora. She stormed out on me earlier. Im really worried about her... She hasn't been herself," I inform him whilst following him through to the lounge.

Love Hangover. ( A One Direction fanfiction.)Where stories live. Discover now