Holidays and Surprises ?

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Love Hangover...

Part 5 - Holidays and Surprises?

Eventually Friday arrived and it was now time for our two weeks off work which I get to spend with le best friend Flora. I can guarantee there won't be any dull moments.

Right now, i'm sitting inside my car in the car park waiting for Flo. I swear she's the most forgetful person on this planet. Whilst humming along to the radio, I dug my phone out of my purse to find an unread text waiting to be opened. It was from Harry. Over the past few days we've exchanged a couple of texts. Not flirty ones just friendly ones.

- Hey:) You finish work today right? How long r u off for? - H x

- Hi:) Yeah + 2 weeks, why? - E x

Minutes later I got a reply.

- Just wondering, the boys want to get to know you + Flo a bit better so I was wondering if you both wanna hang out with us? - H x

- Err sure, dont think we're upto much anyway :) - E x

- Great, meet at my place at 7 ? Movie night with a take away? - H xx

- Sounds good:) I need your address first though... -E xx

- Oops.. Stanmore View, apartment 9, it's just down by Nandos :) - H xx

- Yeah I know the place, see you then :) - E xx

As soon as I hit the send button, the passenger door opened and Flo clambered inside, muttering to herself like a mad person.

I sat staring at her as she belted herself up and eventually after a few moments she realised I was staring at her and popped an eyebrow at me.

" Whatcha looking at ?" She questioned, scrunching her nose up.

" I have something to tell you!" I smiled, just knowing that she'll be over the moon when I announce the news.

" You're not pregnant are you? Oh my god, who's the father? " She gushed, jumping to conclusions.

" Flora calm down you strange child! No i'm not pregnant!" I exclaimed, rolling my eyes.

" Then what is it?" She asked curiously.

" How would you like to spend the night with the One Direction boys at Harry and Louis' apartment with a take away and some films accompanied by le me ?" I questioned, failing to contain my laughter as her jaw almost hit the ground. I sat staring at her highly amused. The look on her face is just hilarious. I think she's going to faint anytime soon... oh shit.

" Flo?... Flo?... Are you ok? Earth to Flora!" I giggled, waving my hand wildly in front of her face. She still sat there with the same expression. As I said... She's a strange child.

" Fine, I'll just call and cancel.." I teased, retrieving my phone from my bag.

" No! Don't you dare!" She screeched, snatching my iPhone from my grasp.

" Calm down dear," I giggled.

" Are you being serious? Or are you winding me up?" She asked, unsure wether or not if I was trying to pull a prank on her.

" Im being deadly serious! Harry texted me just before you came in the car," I explained, grabbing my phone back off her.

" Of course i'm up for it you crazy bitch now step on it and get me home so I can get ready!" She demanded excitedly, jiggling around in her seat. Laughing, I started the engine up and reversed out my parking space then left the car park.

Love Hangover. ( A One Direction fanfiction.)Where stories live. Discover now