I'm Sorry.

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Love Hangover...<3

Part 14 - Im Sorry.


As soon as I entered through the double doors and spotted Zayn sitting by himself on the plastic chairs, I picked up my pace. Only an hour ago I had received a text from him telling me that Flora's in hospital.

" Zayn!" I panted as I approached him. His head snapped upwards to face me. A few tears were visible on his face, slowly sliding down his cheeks and dripping onto his lap. He was shirtless and both of his hands were covered in dried up blood. He rose from his chair and I immediately wrapped my arms around him, allowing him to cry into my shoulder. He cried but silently. I could feel his tears soaking through my t-shirt. 

" What's  happened? Where's Flora?" I questioned after a while. 

He raised his head from my shoulder and brushed away some tears. 

" She went home earlier because we had a little argument about Josh and I went back to apologise but when I got there, Josh had hit her over the head with something and... and," He explained, trailing off after he found it too hard. 

" Hey, hey, it's ok Zayn," I soothed, wrapping my arms around him again. His own arms draped around my frame loosely as he began crying again. 

Harry soon appeared behind us, a worried expression crossing his face. 

" Have you heard any news?" I asked Zayn. 

" No, not yet. They've just told me to wait here," He mumbled miserably into my shoulder. A sigh escaped my lips. I hate hospitals. 

" Tell you what, you stay here with Harry and I'll go get us some drinks and try to find out more," I murmured to him, parting from our hug. He nodded timidly before sinking back into his chair. 

My teeth latched onto my lower lip as I walked towards Harry who was staring pityingly at Zayn. 

" Can you stay here with him while I go and get some drinks?" I asked him, keeping my voice tone low. 

" Yeah, of course," He nodded. 

" Thanks," I whispered before walking off down the bare corridor towards the café. 


I swear, the next time I see Josh I will kill him with my own bare hands. How dare he put Flora in hospital! He's one sick bastard and deserves to die a slow and painful death. I've never really liked him. From the moment Flora started dating him to the moment of when they finally broke up, I just knew he was bad news. But of course I tried to get along with him for Flora's sake but it was difficult.  For those few months that they dated, I had to deal with Flora crying to me over the phone because they had an argument. I had to deal with her when they constantly broke up and got back together. It wasn't easy. Sometimes I just felt like shouting some sense into her head. I felt like smacking Josh in the face with a shovel for putting Flora through a whole lot of misery. It made me miserable. 

My hands were now shaking with fury. My teeth were clenched tightly together as were my fists. 

" Excuse me miss," A polite, concerning voice squeaked. Immediately, I snapped out of my daze and quickly unclenched my fists. The young girl behind the counter stared at me worriedly before motioning me forwards so she could serve me. 

" Err.. Sorry... Erm, can I have a bottle of water and two cups of coffee with milk and sugar please," I stammered out uneasily. The young girl nodded her head in response before scurrying away to fetch my order. In the meantime, I fumbled around inside my purse with trembling hands and forked out a crisp ten pound note. 

Love Hangover. ( A One Direction fanfiction.)Where stories live. Discover now