Chapter 11- The Attack

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Hey guys I am so so so so so so sorry. I know I said I'd update yeserday but I was really busy. Exams are now offically over and I am on holidays meaning that I can finish off this story. This is the last chapter but then there is the epilogue. Enjoy and I'm really sorry again.

Dedicated to @raelien because of her support I was able to cope through my many problems and finsih off this story. Thanks ( and don't be offended that you are a character in the book. I dont actually know anyone named Rae LOL)

Thankyou to everybody who supported me in this story- I know I'm not the best writer out there but you guys still supported me and I'm greatful. 

I am writing a new One Direction fan fic so if anyone is interested in being in it private message me and I will get back to you with a character list. Thanks again and don't forget to check out the outfits on Polyvore. Follow me if you have it. @niallsprincess99 

Now onto the story!!!!!!!!!! 

Love The Queen Of Cupcakes!

**** This is eight pages on microsoft word****

I was awoken out of my thoughts by a honk outside of my house. Grabbing my phone I ran outside, yelling a quick goodbye to mum. Running down the path I slid into the backseat of Natalie’s car between Caleb and Lesley. Greeting each other, we sped off towards the abandoned house. Turning right onto the intersection, we were almost hit by pickup truck, speeding down the highway.

“Bloody Hell!” Caleb shouted as we screeched to a halt.

As Natalie had hit the brakes, we abruptly stopped as we all tried to regain our composure.

“Hey guys, is it just me or was there something familiar about that truck?” Natalie asked as we started driving down again.

“Yeah” I added. “Wait!” Jake yelled, “Wasn’t that Matt’s work truck?”

Realisation dawned on all of our faces. “Why would he want to get there before us?” Lesley asked, looking up from her phone. Unlike all of us, when we stopped everybody had jolted in their seat but she remained perfectly poised and didn’t even look up.

We all shrugged and continued down the road. We were all involved in our own conversations when Natalie stopped, once again in the middle of the bitumen. I craned my neck to see why and gasped. In front of our car stood a snarling wolf flanked by two smaller ones. “What the hell?” Caleb murmured, following my terrified gaze.

The wolves moved to the side surrounding the car. Natalie revved the engine and sped off towards the house. When we reached our meeting place, we scrambled out of the car and sprinted in the direction of the looming house, the wolves in hot pursuit.

Tree branches that had fallen were jumped over as we cleared a path through the woods. Darting under vines and around trees, we made our way through the forest. Logs were jumped over, dangling branches ripped off the trees and flowers flattened in our hurry.

When we reached the house we sped upstairs into the room that I was attacked in earlier on in the year. We heard the wolves snarling outside, waiting for us to return so that they could kill us. We were trapped.

 “Guys over here” Jake called and motioned the boys over to a chest where he pulled out two guns. Lesley pulled out her phone as she started to dial the police.

“Lesley stop” I said pulling the phone out of her shaking hands.

‘I need to call… call someone to… help us…” she said.

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