Chapter 8 - Arrests

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Hey Guys!!

So I finally finished this chapter. I actually found it quite hard- ugh! Writers block sucks. So this is dedicated to @the_diary_of_me because she is awesome and is actually reading my story!!

Song: Ariana Grande's amazing song withy Mac Miller. She has an amazing voice like urgh!! seriously- buy it on itunes if you haven't already!!

Pic on side is of Natalie (Ariana Grande) on the side------she is gorgeous!!


****NOT EDITED*******

Love ya my cupcakeeeees xx

Groaning I rolled clumsily out of bed, landing with a thump on the floor. Attractive, I know. Remembering that it was Saturday I realised that soon everybody would be at my house for our ‘meeting’. Well, things between me and Matt won’t be the least bit awkward, note the sarcasm. Two relationship breakdowns in a month? I’m on a role.

Walking downstairs to breakfast I saw my mum sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal not even noticing that I entered the kitchen. Walking closer I realised that she was shaking with sobs.

“Mum?” I asked worriedly walking over to her, “Are you okay?” My mum remained silent as she shook in her seat. Dropping her spoon she collapsed onto my shoulder, her tears staining my dress from last night.

“Mum. Listen to me. I’m going to take you upstairs to your room and I’m going to bring you some soup”. Soup and rest was the only thing that I could think of to help make her feel better. Making some chicken cup-a-soup I took it upstairs to mum who was considerably calmer.

“Mum” I said using a stern but compassionate tone with her, “No I want you to tell me what happened so that I can fix it”

She remained silent before talking through her tears, her voice thick with her sorrow. “He… he left me. He left me last n-night” she hiccupped and I looked around the room noticing that my stepdad, Pete’s, stuff was all gone. I wondered how I didn’t notice his car gone form the driveway last night, but then again I was too preoccupied with Matt to do a vehicle count.

After calming my mother down I had a shower and got dressed in some comfy casual clothes before waiting downstairs for the others to arrive. They were meant to arrive at one and it was currently eleven. I put The Hangover in the DVD drive and watched it until I heard my door opening. Hoping it wasn’t Pete I walked into the hallway when I heard loud voices.

I watched as Lesley strode into my house as if she owned the place and took a seat on my kitchen bench.

“Um hi?” I asked as she looked up from checking her reflection on the camera app. She raised her eyebrows, “hi” she said before returning to fix her lip-gloss. Rolling my eyes I went to walk back to close the front door as Lesley had left it wide open, but was stopped by Natalie closely followed by Jake entering my kitchen. Natalie smiled while Jake ignored me. At least they had the decency to close the door from the cold wind outside. Returning to the kitchen I found Natalie sitting on a bar stool and Jake leaning against the wall on his phone. I started an easy conversation with Natalie and was pleasantly surprised when she was returning to her old best friend ways. A few minutes later Rae arrived closely followed by Caleb on his motorcycle. We were all waiting for Matt when he turned up, twenty minutes late.

“Where have you been?” Jake asked angrily. I remembered that he didn’t like to be kept waiting. “Oh I was just somewhere and lost track of the time” he answered vaguely before reaching out and pulling somebody into the room with him.

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