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Hey Everybody! I'm back!

So I wrote this last night as sort of a spur of the moment thing and with help of Raelien decided to post it. So here it is--- the epilogue. Not sure if there will be a sequel or not though.

BE WARNED... this is a completely different P.O.V instead of Tara. Tara is only in this once and it is mentioned. Okayyy I'm gonna go now. Thanks for reading. 

Pete stroked the beautiful girl’s long, blonde hair. What a shame that her, his own daughter, had to die at the hands of another. Walking to the other coffins beside Christina, he scowled at the lack of support Emmanuel gave his blood sister in her time of need.

Pete slammed his fist on the edge of the coffin in frustration as he realised that his cult, the one he had tried so hard to make over the last sixteen years, was diminishing.

Matt’s body was lying limply on the makeshift bed, in the basement of the abandoned house. He was not quite dead; Pete had been following the teens but refused to give away his position as the fight went down.

Pete had recovered Matt, Chris and Emmanuel’s body while the others were debating what to do. With a pang in his iron heart, Pete scowled as he realised his fate.

He was going to die soon; he knew that. Abaddan could only occupy one’s body for so long. Matt was a sacrifice he had to make to prepare Abaddan for the grand master.

Pete sat down on a rickety old chair as he surveyed Matt’s chiseled features. Willing for his son’s eyes to open he stared intently at the small blood stain on the wall.

He had felt bad for attacking his own daughter, but he had to prepare her for what she would soon become. Pete was counting down the days until the next Halloween for when that time came; Tara would become one of him.

Pete has left Lily for her own safety. Once in wolf form, he had no control over his actions. Lily never knew what Pete was or what Tara would become when she turned seventeen.

He felt the bed move beside him as the occupant rose form the white sheets as though in a trance. He opened his eyes which were a gleaming yellow with green flecks as he turned to Pete.

“Kill” Pete said, his gaze not leaving the stain on the wall. Matt leapt into wolf form and sprang up the stairs. Pete heard a howl as Matt tracked Tara’s little friends down. One by one.

Pete would make them pay for killing his tribe. He would get his revenge. He stood up and followed Matt up the stairs and out the makeshift door the word echoing around his head. Swirling and fogging his mind like a strange mist, for on the wall, spelled out in blood was the word; Secret.

Okay Bye :)

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