Finally Out

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"It happened at my best friends 14th birthday party. It was a sleepover and me, her, and two other girls were all sitting on her couch at like 2am and they were talking about boys. I told them I didn't even pay attention to guys anymore (I'd been hinting to them that I was gay for a while now, and this was another hint)

Right after I said that, my friend Bella said, "Wait Erin... are you a lesbian?"

and I said, "what would you do if I said yes?"

and she replied, "well I wouldn't care I would support you anyway!" (I already knew she was an ally I just wanted to see what she would say)

so then I just said, "well then yes, I am."

and all three of them squealed super loud and jumped on top of me... XD

literally the first words that came out of my best friends mouth were, "YES NOW I CAN SHIP YOU WITH PEOPLE!"

I kid you not. XD

we talked about it for like 7 minutes and then we started talking about buzzfeed and they were completely over it XD

this is just a message to the people who aren't as fortunate to such amazing friends but, not everyone is cruel. Not everyone is judge mental, not everyone is conservative, and there are so many wonderful people out there.

Also a great way to come out to people you don't want to tell face to face would be to use the song 'Official Coming Out Song' by Ally Hills

Good luck! :3 "

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