The Phone Check

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"Name- River

Sexuality- Aromantic Asexual Genderfluid

Age- 15

Instagram- __turtle__overlord__

When I came out as Aromantic Asexual, nothing happened except people telling me we don't exist. What changed my life was my genderfluidity. I came out to two of my friends and my step sister and they were all accepting of my new name and "lifestyle". More or less, some took awhile to get used to it. To make myself comfortable with coming out to others, I came out online with my Instagram. I made one small flaw though, my mom goes through my phone at random. I knew she did this, so I was careful to log out whenever I set down my phone. One day, I had foolishly forgotten to do this however. I knew my mother was extremely against LGBTQIPA, part of the reason I feared when I saw my phone gone from my nightstand. A day passed and I still had no phone. I was completely terrified. Then after school, my mom took me out for coffee. Her first words were this, "what do you feel about gays and lesbians?" At that moment I knew, there was no more lying. I was trapped. To this day, my mom is still against it all and I still haven't told my unsupportive birth siblings. I still operate the Instagram account and to be completely honest, I'm surprised it never got shut down. So that's my story. I came out, but nothing changed at all."

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