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Sexuality: pansexual
Gender: confused

I came out to my ex best friend in December. Basically, I started talking to her AND teaching her about different sexualites besides bi, gay, and straight. One day, I told her in lunch. I didn't know what she thought because she didn't say anything. After a while she finally told me it was okay that I was not straight.

The second time I told someone was about 2 months later. I was a lot more comfortable with myself and proud of who I was. So, in science class, I took a postit note, wrote "I'm pansexual" on the front and stuck it to my head. I didn't care if people knew because I didn't care if they didn't accept me for who I was.

Unsurprisingly, a lot of 7th graders didn't know what pansexual was, so they still have no idea.
I didn't bring up the topic for a while because I didn't know how to. But now in May of 2016, I want everyone to know who I am. So, this whole week I've been wearing the same post it note on my sweatshirt.


More people now know about who I am, and thankfully none of them say anything rude.
I'm still closeted to my parents, but Im planning on telling them on my birthday. I hope I dont chicken out though : /

But I wanted to share this to anyone younger or older than me to tell them this:

You'll never know the true responses if you don't try.

So go head, don't be scared. Just please make sure you are in a safe enough environment to do so.

Have fun, my rainbows : )

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