Embracing Pansexual

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Abbi, Age 13, Female, Pansexual, instagram: abbisaysno
I actually denied that I wasn't straight until the fifth grade.
I guess I always knew what gay, and bi and straight were, but I knew straight was the normal, so I assumed that was me.
I went though a phase when I thought I was bi, because I liked boys and girls. But eventually, after talking to my pan best friend, I realized that fit me better
I came out online first.
And was out for about 7 months to all my online friends before I said anything to my parents.
I came out to my parents last November, so I've been out for almost a yearI came out to my school around the same time.
I lost one of my best friends for a while, but eventually, he realized he was being immature and we started talking again.
I attended my first gay pride festival in London last week.
And I've finally embraced my sexuality.

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