Okay sure. Maybe. Definitely. Nope. YES JUST YES.

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Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Polysexual
For three years I was confused about my sexuality. Every day thinking: "Woah calm the fuck down, you don't need to label yourself, it's probably just hormones." I was so paranoid about my feelings towards girls to the point of just giving up and forcing myself to think I was straight. Because I didn't want to label myself in the first place, I didn't want people to see me differently. Especially if my feelings turned out not being real, because let's be honest here, hormones and puberty can do some crazy things with one's emotions and mental health.
But, let's say, I had an epiphany. I was attracted to different types of people, but gender to me was still something that I paid attention to. So, I wrapped it all up with a bow and felt the most comfortable with the term Polysexuality.
When it came to coming out to my friends, it was really hard. Not because they wouldn't accept me, but because a big chunk of them are queer already. So it just added to the whole: I'm "straight" idea. But my guy friend, who so happens to be gay, knew from the start that I wasn't. I didn't have to tell him or anything, I think it was just his "Gay-dar".
So when I told him he was very accepting and told me he felt the same way and was really supportive, although he was saying that since our feelings were so similar I sounded more like I was just gay, but I assured him I was Poly.
The rest of my friends also got the idea when I told them how I felt, but don't really believe me and don't really see me as queer, which is fine by me. When I told my mom, she said that at my age she felt like she was attracted to girls, but discovered that she was very wrong. She said that I can like whoever I like, that it is my road to self discovery. (But that she still wants grand-kids, sigh.)

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