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From anonymous

I came out as pansexual not to long ago, it didn't really go well. I thought my parents were gonna be supportive because my moms best friend is gay, but she wasn't anywhere close to supportive. As soon as the words "I'm pansexual" left my mouth my dad looked disgusted and my mom looked like she wanted to just kick me out then and there but to my surprise she didn't. My dad yelled at me saying I was just a mistake and a waste of his time. Then I got sassy, which I regret, and said "Fuck Off" then he slapped me. And my mom said I was making up words. But I could see my mom's face changed and it wasn't as mad as before. It was like she just changed her mind. Days after that my dad started getting abusive. But he was secretive about it. He would trip me then act like I fell. Then push me against the car and just walk away. After that he started getting care free and hitting my brother. My brother is gay, and he didn't have a chance to come out, my dad just assumed he was and my brother never denied it. One day it went to far and my best friend, Kate, called the cops. My dad went to jail but came out because there was no proof of the crime. But he can't be in the same building or space as me and my brother, and if he breaks that and tries to, he will go to jail. My mom said I could live with Kate 'till the court date and I did and I still do. My mom has changed her mind and decided that I was still the same person. But I don't want to let her back in my life that easy because she knew I was being abused and did nothing to stop it.

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