Bi The Way, I'm Not Straight

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Gender: Cisgender female
Sexuality: Questioning but most likely bi

Hey! This is my story it's pretty short but happy.

I've know I've been bisexual for a few months now. I came out to my close friend over an app we use, (she was bi at the time but now she's pan). Next it was my other close friend, let's call her Red. She found out when me and um, (let's call the first friend Sin) Sin were talking about gender bender day at school, I said to her "well now I'm straight today."  Sin then looked at me, and I realized my mistake, "wait, I'd still be bi anyway." Red overhead and said "what do you mean?" We then told her and she was excepting too, I knew she would be since pretty much my whole class is excepting. Then my other friend, we'll call her Jube, also found out from the app (I knew that was going to happen, so I didn't really care).  Then I came out to my ex crush, we were doing a presentation for the GSA at our school and she said, "we're all straight, right?" I looked at Sin and started grinning, my crush then realized and was like "I'm so sorry!" So yeah that happened. Then my another friend (So many friends) also found out and from the app which was on purpose, and she's also pan so ye). And finally, (Friday June 10, 2016 a few days ago actually) I came out to one of my guy friends.

This one was more special to me because it was my choice and not by accident, and I was prepared. He was part of the GSA so I knew he was supportive, plus he's super nice so I thought it'd be good. It was during Social Studies and I was working with Red and Jube beside me (they knew I was going to tell him) (also I annoyed them by asking how to tell him and what to do and they said to just tell him directly lol)

I walked up to the corner of the room where my group and his group usually work. I first said it quietly- and he didn't hear me. Then once I sat down I got his attention. I looked him straight (ironic lol)  into his eyes and said, "______ , I'm not straight." He smiled and said "okay that's cool." My stomach was so full of butterflies, and I feel like I'm never going to forget that moment. We then proceeded to talk about it and then puns and finally we worked on our projects.

Even right now as I'm typing this I still feel butterflies. I haven't came out to my parents yet, but I know they would be super supportive and would still love the same. Its Saturday late at night as I'm typing this and I can't wait to talk about more about this to my guy friend.

Though everyone I know is supportive, it still feels weird being 1 of 3 (or more) queer girls in the room. I feel sort of distant from most girls like at parties, like when they talk about boys and I'm there awkwardly agreeing even though I don't find them really that attractive. I guess it could be much worse though. Anyway, thank you for listening to my boring story! Until next time!

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