Labels Are Just Labels

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name: alanis
age: 13
gender: female
sexuality: i don't know

In the cold months of December, me and my mother were out getting coffee. there was disgusting black snow on the ground because, well, we lived in the city.

we were in traffic, the heater was on, and there were cute, tiny snowflakes falling from the beautiful gray sky.

I decided now would be a great a great time to come out to my mom. I wasn't necessarily scared of rejection, I didn't know what I was scared of.

"hey mom?" I asked, turning down the radio.


"I think I'm not... like... straight?"

"what are you talking about, child?" she laughed looking over to me as the light turned green.

so I sighed, fiddling with my thumbs in my lap, "I mean I'm not straight."

"so you're lesbian? you like girls?"

"no... I actually don't care. I mean, gender doesn't matter to me. I believe you love a person for who they are, not their gender, not the color of their skin, not their religion. none of that. you love them for them."

"oh really?" she hummed.

"yeah.. I don't care if someone is a girl or a boy or genderfluid or whatever else exists. I care about what their heart is made of, how they think. what their personality is."

"that's understandable."

"what do you mean?"

"what do you think I mean? I'll always love you. you're my daughter. just don't go off and say you want to be a man. that's some crazy shit."

And the rest of the time out we laughed and it was like nothing happened.

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