Chapter 7: Katelyn the Fire Fist

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Garroth's POV

"A ship is coming into port," Natalia anounced. She had on new clothes, some more appropriate for her first day on the job. She had her sword strapped on her back.

We were moving into the new gaurd tower. She was looking out twords the docks. All of us ran to see what she saw.

It was easy to see. A ginormous ship was coming into docks. I recognized it. "O'Khasis...." I muttered.

"What dose that mean?" Laurance asked.

"Too many things..." I said. Natalia seemed to be confused.

"What?" she asked, looking around to all of us.

"We will explain later, right now Laurance, Dante, and I will go meet them at the docks. Brain go patrol the streets and alert Nicole , and Natalia stay here if you see anything bad happen gather everyone into Kiki ' s farm," I told them. We all ran off to do as told.

"I came to speak with your lord," a blue haired woman said as she came off the boats. I gestured for Laurance to go get Aphmau. He ran off.

"I am Garroth head gaurd, is there anything I can help you with before the Lord gets here," I said.

"So you are the missing son of the Lord of O'Khasis," she stated.

"Yes, what do you want?" I asked again. The Aphmau ran up. We went to stay outside to her house until the two where done talking.

Natalia's POV

Cadenza had finished making me some new clothes. I thanked her a bazillion time. She refused any way of me making it up to her. I just needed to accept them.

That day was my first day of being a gaurd of Phoenix Drop. I chose a new outfit. A lose whit blows, and a pair of dark blue shorts. I wore the only shoes I had, black boots. I tied my hair up and put my sword and sheild on my back.

I left to go to work. We were moving into a newer gaurd tower. I grabbed everything I could and brought it over. I took a look out the top of it. I saw a lge ship sailing up. "A ship is coming into port," I told the others. Brian, Dante, Laurance, and Garroth came over.

"O'Khasis...."I herd Garroth mutter. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Was it were Garroth was from. If it was why did he say if as if it were a unwanted creeper.

"What dose that mean?" Laurance asked, he seemed to share the same feelings for this place.

"Too many things...." Garroth stated.

I was so confused. I felt like a kid trying to do taxes. I couldn't help but vocalize my confusion, "What?"

" We will explain later, right now Laurance, Dante, and I will go meet them at the docks. Brain go patrol the streets and alert Nicole , and Natalia stay here if you see anything bad happen gather everyone into Kiki ' s farm,"Garroth told us. We all went to do what we were told to.

I wanted to go with them, but I knew I needed to stay there. I did not want to get on Garroth's bad side on the first day. I think I like him. We are friends, but he is so nice and cares for everyone. He would give up everything for someone else to be happy.

I just day dreamed as I watched them talk. I was taken out of it by noticing Garroth was coming back to the tower. "Soo....?" I asked. "Care to explain?" I said hoping down from the windowsill. I sat down across the table from him.

He sighed and proceeded to explain about his nasty brither, and the threat on this village. His treaty marriage,and anything I thought I should know. I saved all my questions for the end.

"I herd Laurance and Aphmau talk about Zane before," I comented.

"When?" he asked. He seemed to be surprised I said this.

"Yesterday, after they suggested I joined the gaurd. I was walking away when Aphmau said, 'Zane will never know what hit him'," I explained.

He seemed to be embarrassed I herd this. I don't know why, he didn't say it. "Don't take this the wronge way," he sighed, " but I think all of us wanted you to join the gaurd because of your powers."

I was still a little confused, "Why?" I asked.

"We want something Zane doesn't, your magicks. He most likely doesn't know you are here, much less of your powers. We were going to us you as a secret weapon if it was needed," he explained.

I didn't mind. If I was in the same position I would have done the same thing. I wanted to protect these people, even though I only new them for a couple days. "I understand," I told him.

I just walked out of the gaurd tower. I needed to clear my head, or that is what I was going to tell them. I sneaked through the woods so I could keep an eye on Katelyn's ship.

I stayed even after the sun was set. I did not notice it but someone came up behind me and knocked me to the ground. I magicked up my armor and pulled out my sheild to block the attack.

I looked up to find a blue haired woman above me. It was Katelyn the Fire Fist. "Hmmm....Combat Magicks," she muttered.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Born or Blessed?" she asked. I could tell she was talking about my powers. I had no choice but to tell her.

"Born," I stated. I did not lose eye contact with her. As the world left my mouth she stoped progressing her attack.

"You have my respect...." she said, asking for my name.

"Natalia," I growled, standing up. She had a kind look in her eyes,I knew she would not hurt me, so I put my shield away.

"It is an honor to meet you Natalia. There are few people born with the magicks of combat. Why would one of a few be here in this village?" she asked.

"I'm a gaurd here," I told her.

She laughed, "And you are not head gaurd. What kind of lord would not want a Combat Magicks user as their head gaurd?!"

"I'm new here," I explained.

"That makes sense..." she said," I must be getting back, just know. I fight for the right reasons, and I think Zane is wrong." She walked away.

I started back to town. I walked through the plaza,and stopped to look at the Lady Irene statue. Laurance came up to me. "Where were you today?" he asked, a little frightened.

I noticed I still had my armor on. I magicked it off. "Fighting monsters in the woods," I lied.

"Okay....?" he questioned. "Go get sleep, you have the night shift tomorrow." I walked back to my house and clasped into bed.

Lost Memories (Garroth x Oc) [A Minecraft Diaries Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now