Chapter 13 - Preparing For War

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Natalia's POV

I was out by in the village, guarding it as a guard. I was a little board, I could sense where everyone was I had been practicing that ever since I tried to find Nicole. I could easily tell where Garroth, Laurance, and Dabre were thanks to their new swords. I could also feel the threat looming outside the walls.

As I tried to make sure that Scaleswind and O'Khasis were still in the same place, but the feeling of them were farther away, and a knew "force" was apporching. I bolted for the others. I slammed the door open to find everyone else in there. "Gates now!" I yelled and ran off to the gates.

I was right once I was on top of the walls I saw Meteli, Laurance told me about it, on fire and the entire village at the foot of the walls. I watched as the others ran down to the people of Meteli. The only person missing from the group was Garroth. I felt his presence coming up behind me. "Hey,"I greeted him. He seemed to be wary of me since we went to look for Nicole. I also became a little more distant,to practice my magick. I had learned that I could enchant armor and create weapons. I still hadn't perfected it.

" How did you know?" he asked me. I had needed to hold back my emotions to get better with my magick. It was either hold them completely back or let them come out freely.

"I could feel them coming," I told him,"Just like I can feel our allies coming to the docks"

I could feel him stiffen, "Are you all right?" he asked putting his hand on my back.

"Yeah," I answered, "We should go greet our allies I told him as I jumped off the wall. I had also mastered how to do dangerous stunts without harming myself.

Garroth followed me, and was silent for a little bit, "What have you been up to recently?"

"Practicing my magick," I told him as my armor disappeared. I refused to make eye contact with him.

"How about you go tell Kiki about the people joining us, I am sure that is where Aphmau would like to keep them," Garroth asked of me. I followed orders, as he was the head gaurd. I had time to think over things as he has given me his distance. He may have been doing that, as he decided to go for Aphmau. I knew this was for sure. I wasn't angry, I knew he had feelings for her, and that I was willing to let him go to her.

It just hurt more then I thought it would have. He was trying to let me down easily. I knew he was just trying to be nice, I was still happy we were friends, but it hurt so much to have him around me. This is why I shut down all my emotions. It was easier then I thought it would have. I just wanted to help them beet Zane and get my memories. I could feel there was someone I loved blocked in my mind from magick. Zane was going down.

Garroth's POV

It had been a long couple days since everyone arrived, for everyone. I was more worried about Natalia then the pending war. She didn't show any emotions, which worried me about her. Since our first interaction she was always brimming with emotion and did not hide them. Know I never even saw her smile, even when she got dismissed for food, when before she would laugh with joy over food.

I talked to Laurance to see if it had something to do with her being a Shadow Knight. I wasn't completely sure if he was right, but I had no other way of knowing, we did tell Aphmau and Dante about our suspicions, but they weren't sure either. We all agreed not to bring it up around her. Laurance said if she was a Shadow Knight it was good she was holding back her emotions.

It hurt me to see her like that. I hurt me to keep my distance from her, if she was a Shadow Knight I did not want to get too attached to her. I watched her as she made sure that everyone had weapons and armor,that she created and enchanted on her own. I asked Lucinda if it was normal for someone with Combat Magicks to be blessed to do that. She said it was one of the most helpful powers she would have. Whenever she got too tired I wouldn't let her be too far from me, just in case she clasped.

I when she recovered and I stayed farther away from me, it hurt me. I just wanted to hold her and see her smile again. It was like seeing a flower you know would be beautiful but refused to bloom. Her eyes were even emotionless. Zoey came up to me and saw I was watching Natalia, "Don't worry about her," she told me.

"Why?" I wondered taking my eyes off the person I never wanted to let go.

"Combat Magicks is a rare and hard to master magicks. They can even be affected by the user's emotions. In order for them to gave complete control over their powers they need to fully accept and show their emotions, or keep the all up, not showing them at all. I never like tht part of her magicks, but it is how to work. With she has gone through I think it would be easier to keep down her emotions," Zoey explained to me.

"How come she could still use her magicks to make her sword and armor when she still showed some emotion?" I wondered.

"That stuff is easy for her and didn't use up any of her energy. But I'm sure if she tries hard enough know she would be able to jump over the wall in one leep," Zoey told me, " Do you get what I am saying." I nodded. She walked away to help prepare. My mind went else where. Natalia could have easily accepted all her feelings, but she didn't. She didn't because of me, I wasn't sure of my emotions for her yet. She did not want make it akward between us. She knew if she accepted her feelings for me, nd I didn't for her I would have needed to hurt her. She was protecting me and herself from getting hurt. I was not sure about my emotions yet, but at that moment I made up my mind.

I turned my attention towords Natalia and I felt my face heat up and a smile appear across my face as she glanced up at me from what she was doing. A hand slapped my back, "You like Natalia, don't you Garroth?" Laurance asked with a smirk on his face. I blushed even harder. "You do!" he interjected, but only so that both of us could hear it.

"Yeah, I do," I confesed with a smile across my red face. "Aphmau is all yours,"I answered his question that was going to come out sooner or later.

"I was not going to asktht, but after I asked something else," Laurence admitted, "Dose she know?"

"No," I sighed.

"Tell her," Laurence told me. I never thought two words could surprise me so much. Those two words I was scared of, I still was not sure if she had someone else in her old life. Laurance noticed my silence, "War could break out t any moment. The worst could happen, do you want that to happen without her knowing your true feelings?" I shook my head. "Then go tell her now." I couldn't argue with his logic, it was pretty sound.

I sighed and walked over to Natalia, "Can we talk?" I asked her as she searched a chest for something.

"Sure, what do you need?" she stood up to face me. Her voice did not sound the same without any emotions in it, I hopped that what I was about to do would help with that.

"Alone?" I added. She looked at me and gave a small nod. I lead her out side of the barn to where no one was. Once we were outside of the bar she stopped walking and a face of fear covered her calm face.

"They're here,"she said and ran back inside, jumping over the fence. I was too late, we were going to war, and she did not know my feelings. I did feel better to see an emotion come across her emotionless face. I could live with that, through one battle.

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