TEOYAM | 22. The End

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Have you ever looked back at your life from a year ago and realize how much things have changed?

The people you thought would be in your life for all eternity are no longer there. The things you used to have, you lost. The smile on your face, the one that used to reach your eyes, barely even made their way to your cheek. The things that used to make you happy, now make you miserable.

I try not to think about how much my life has changed the past year because I knew perfectly well that I wouldn't take it nicely. That has been my mission in life ever since the graduation incident. I kept myself busy all the time just so I don't have time to think. Being a double major at Juilliard helped a lot. I didn't have time for anything else besides school. I dreaded having free time so I made sure I always had something to do. Everything was working perfectly well-- up until the night that changed my life for good.

November 3, 2015

Rachel decided to surprise me with a huge party at my 740 Park Avenue apartment for my 19th birthday. She said I needed some time off from studying and a good party with all our friends would do the trick to cheer me up.

I haven't been to Sagaponack in months. I moved there for good when I started studying at Juilliard. It was easier to go home there than Hamptons, and given my schedule, I didn't have much time for travelling. I would've lived at the school dorms, but Rachel had been so worried about leaving me alone that she moved into my apartment and demanded I go home there every night. I'm pretty sure that if people didn't know any better, they'd think we were something more than just best friends because of how concerned she was about me the past six months.

Incidentally, it was exactly six months since the last time Harry and I spoke or even saw each other. It has also been a year since he took care of me and celebrated my 18th birthday with me.

I guess I should've seen it coming. I should've realized that I can only let myself believe a lie for so long until reality slaps me hard in the face. It was too late for anything when I realized I was gone.

Rachel was busy trying to get people to tone down their hormones and not break any vases her mother got her from Greece so I was left to take care of myself. I've been watching everyone around me, with a red cup full of untouched booze in hand, for I don't even know how long.

"They wouldn't notice if you were gone," someone whispered from behind me, making me turn to look for the culprit but I saw no one.

"You don't matter to anyone here, Veronica."

"Who are you?," I asked nervously as I looked around me. I was in between two couples who were busy making out. I highly doubt the voice I was hearing was from them.

"It's your birthday but has any of them even greeted you or spoke to you after you walked in that door? No, and it's because nobody cares if you disappeared for good." A laugh echoed in the room, causing shivers to run down my spine. I found it odd how nobody else reacted to it. Yes, the music was blasting from the speakers that you could barely hear anything else, but the laugh was louder. It was impossible for them to not hear it.

"Hey, did you hear that?" I stopped the waiter holding a tray with cups.

"Hear what, Ma'am?"

"The laugh. Someone laughed."

"I-- I don't know what you're talking about. Sorry," he looked at me weirdly before walking away at a fast pace.

"Someone laughed!"

"You must live a very sad life, Veronica. Nobody can hear your cries." I felt an arm rest on my shoulders and an unexplainable feeling filled my body when I glanced at the arm and saw nothing but darkness. "See these people? All of them are in your life only because it benefits them. You're only good for your money. Take that away and you're practically useless."

The End Of You And Me | BOOK 1 (Completed) & 2 (Currently Writing)Where stories live. Discover now