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Song recommended while reading this chapter - anything - by anyone


I stared at the unappealing red apple on my lunch tray, fiddling with the stem poking out from the center of the apple I peered up to face Rose who was deciding what to choose on display. Finally, Rose settled on getting a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch.

We slid our trays along the counter making our ways to the beverages, there we were greeted - Okay, not really - by the lunch lady Jonah, she looked just as cheerful as ever, and by that I mean she was as cheerful as Squidward from Spongebob Squarepants. She stared at the both of us blankly.

"What? are you going to decide? Or am I going to have to decide for you?" She snapped, speaking in her heavy foreign accent, shaking my head I caste a small smile as she rolled her eyes in reply. Note to self : do not, whatever you do, stare at lunch lady Jonah. Check.

"No, no thank you." I answered muttering.

So maybe I never really had a choice in the first place because Jonah had not even bothered to look at what she was doing and slammed the first packaged drink her hand had got a hold of and slammed it onto my tray, giving me a iced-coffee. Great, when I had ordered an orange juice, maybe I could just not look at the packaging while drinking it and pretend it was orange juice and force myself to believe it was.

Just as I was about to protest she sent a murderous glare my way, I inhaled, gulping the lump down in my throat, my mouth slowly became dry and sticky. I hung my head low and moved on muttering "Ice-coffee is fine." I don't even drink coffee, I thought to myself. I hate it. It's bitter. It's gross. It's coffee.

I grumbled scuffing on my feet to continue walking down the lane. Rose too intrigued in her food hadn't taken any notice of lunch lady Jonah.

I grabbed a small cup of pudding and placed it onto my tray before a certain someone had nudged me by my side.

"Want mine?" Mac stood there, in line, next to me - and I never even realized until now.. - He peered at my ice-coffee frowning. As he held out his Orange juice. "It's like a lucky dip with her." Mac joked nudging me with his elbow.

"A lucky dip, more dip, less lucky."I scoffed as he smiled charmingly at one of the lunch ladies passing him a cup of fruit salad.

"You can have mine, I didn't even ask for a drink but she practically threw one at me anyways, square in the face." I stared at him skeptically as he smiled. Although I couldn't help a small laugh escape my lips, he grinned. I'm only drinking water now since the basketball season's started, got to keep in shape." Mentally I wanted to just say 'keep in shape? says the guy with the six pack but of course, I didn't.

"If you insist. I don't worry about that kind of stuff." I grinned toothily taking his juice from his hands. Our hands ever so slightly brushed against one another, a delicate touch - is it weird that Ed Sheeran's lyrics 'Maybe just the touch of a hand' just came into my head? - yet sent warmth into my hands. He seemed unfazed by this, I cleared my throat, settling the juice down.

"Thanks." I managed a smile as he peered down at me. Staring for a moment, his eyes settled on mine before he simply nodded casting a polite smile back.

"So, the lions first basketball game is this Saturday-" Mac begun before David came running around the corner pulling people out of the line by their shoulders and yelling. 'YOU'RE NOT MAC' and moving onto the next person as he slowly made his way down the line ignoring the death glares coming from the students as well as some of the lunch ladies - Jonah - he had finally reached us and pulled Mac around by his arm to face him before exhaling.

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