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Song recommended while reading chapter - I'll be Good - Jaymes young


The ride back home up until this point was awkward to say the least, Rose insisted to come back with me. I already knew what she intended to talk about.

Mum parked the car in the driveway, and as soon as the engine stopped and made no noise Rose wrapped her short, small fingers around my wrist.

"Thank you." Rose smiled at mum as she nodded in reply.

In an instant Rose opened her door and dashed out, pulling me along. She pulled me off to the side of the house.

"How could you not tell me." She hissed, her grip still present.

I inhaled, knowing I'd have to spit the words out in one breath.

"For starters, David and I are not an 'item'. Before we had known each other and we may or may not have had... A thing." I inhaled again needing much air.

Rose stared at me with wide eyes before she shook her head and spoke up.

"A thing? What happened? And what was going on with you today? Why did you hug him?! What about your kids!"

"My kids?" I questioned, it was really the only thing I caught coming out of Rose's mouth.

I placed my hand over my stomach looking down to check if there was a lump... But that couldn't be...

Looking up, Rose was rolling her eyes as she slapped my hand away from my stomach.

"No. I mean your future kids." She nodded, her arm falling to her side. I raised an eyebrow at her in confusion.

"You know, with Mac."

Choking on my own saliva I gasped for air. Rose begun patting my back rapidly. Muttering under her breath.


With Rose's constant begging I just couldn't not tell her the story.

"David's not here yet?" I mumbled, slipping my finger underneath one of the pieces of wood that was attached together by strings, the blinds.

I scanned the street, which may I add was a difficult task because of all the fog which hadn't lifted since the morning.

"Oh, he's not coming today Kenzie." Mum smiled weakly placing her hand on my shoulder before walking off to the kitchen.

I murmured to myself, sighing as I pulled my hand away from the window and retrieving it by my side.

Quickly, I caught up to my mum.

"But he didn't come last week either." I complained, groaning.

I hadn't seen David all week, and if I didn't say so myself it was obvious that I was beginning to get worried.

The whole week I was pestering everyone, especially my family. Constantly talking about him.

"Oh sweetie, these things happen, clients get better, and they no longer need to see me. That's great though, that's what I'm here for." Mum smiled, snagging an apple from the fruit bowl.

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