Chapter VI

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"I don't care if you think I'm crazy or weird." ~Yadomi "Jintan" Jinta (Anohana)
Sora, Donald, Goofy and I got into the Gummi Ship. On the outside, it looks like a bunch of Lego pieces put together. But, it was pretty roomy on the inside. Two chipmunks helped us get equip any extras to hope us through our journey. Both of them wore yellow overalls. One of them had a black nose who was named Chip. The other one had a red nose. His name was Dale. After we were done setting up the Gummi Ship, we entered the route that was leading us to the next world. The route had a bunch of Heartless that looked like Lego pieces, but we blasted them to bits. Eventually, we got to the next world. It had a pink heart-titled floor and a couple of houses on it. According to our scanner, the new world was called Wonderland. We got off the Gummi Ship and entered the world.

We started falling into a room. But, instead of falling down really fast, we were slowly floating to the floor as if we were defying gravity. There was a sound of multiple ticking clocks. Sora, Donald and I landed feet first, but Goofy on the other hand, was taking a nap while we were floating down and landed face first. As Goofy got up, a white rabbit with a suit, spectacles and pocket watch ran past him yelling: "Oh, my fur and whiskers! I'm late, I'm late I'm late!" The rabbit looked distressed, as if being late to somewhere was a big deal. "Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! I'm here, I should be there. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! The queen, she'll have my head for sure!"

We looked at him with curiosity. As he ran off, I asked, "What was that about?"

"Dunno," Sora said. "But a late talking rabbit is the least of our worries. We have to find Riku and Kairi while destroying the Heartless at the same time!"

As we walked out of the room, a door opened with another door inside and that door opened with yet another door inside and when that door opened, a long, dark corridor loomed ahead of us. We entered a very colorful room and saw the white rabbit run through a door. As I examined the room, I realized that everything was so small! Sora bent down and examined the door the white rabbit went through. "How did he get so small?" He questioned.

The doorknob opened its eyes, "No, you're simply too big."

We recoiled and I shrieked, "What the--"

"It talks!" Cried Donald.

The talking doorknob yawned, "Must you be so loud? You woke me up."

Goofy waved, "Good morning."

"Good night," It said. "I need a bit more sleep."

"Wait!" I cried. "Is there some way to get small?!"

"Why don't you try the bottle...over there?" Asked the doorknob.

We turned and saw a chair appear and a white table pop up. Two bottles, one blue, one red, sat on the table. We walked over to the table and I examined the two bottles. "It doesn't say how long the effect will last." I frowned.

"Well, let's just hope it's long enough so we can get through the door," Sora said as we chugged the bottles.

Then, everything started getting bigger until we we're small enough to get through all the entrances and exits in the room. When we went through a hole, we saw card of all types guarding the entrance. Once they parted, a blonde girl with a blue dress and white apron was standing on court with a quite plump, blacked haired queen. The white rabbit we saw earlier ran up stairs, panted and blew his trumpet. "Court is now in session!" He gasped.

The blonde girl looked shocked. "I'm on trial? But why?"

"Her majesty, the Queen of Hearts, presiding!" Yelled the rabbit. At the jury stand was a quite plump queen in a red-and-black dress.

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