Chapter IX

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"Take care of your friends. Because they are the most important people in your life." ~Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)
Donald powered up the Gummi Ship and we we're flying. Sora asked, "Can I fly again?"

"NO!" We all shouted.

"Oh come on!" He whined like a little kid. "I'm the Keyblade Master!"

"I don't care who you are!" Donald shouted. "I'm not having you fly again and have us crash land in another world."

"Please?" Sora begged as he jumped front seat and began bickering over the steering wheel with Donald.

"Here we go again..." Goofy sighed as the Gummi Ship was spinning in circles. I grappled my seat. My stomach churned from the ship spinning. Oh god. Those vegetables in my stomach are not sitting well. I hope the side-effects don't include vomiting...

After a couple of minutes Donald managed to wrestle Sora into his seat. He casted a spell on it so he couldn't unbuckle himself out of the seat. We set course to Traverse Town...without Sora piloting. When we arrived in Traverse Town, Sora and the gang headed over to the hotel where Leon and his gang were staying. We knocked and opened the door to their room. "Hey everyone!" Sora greeted.

"Sora! Sakura!" Aerith stood up. "Back so soon?"

"Just making a pit stop," Sora shrugged.

"It's a good thing you arrived," Leon said as he handed Sora something. "Take this."

"What is it?" Sora asked as he held up the object given to him. It was a charm wth a picture of a lion on it.

"It's a little charm called Earthshine," Leon explained. "A gift from the Fairy Godmother. According to her, when somebody lost their home to the Heartless, but there strong heart allowed them to become this. If we destroy the darkness, whoever is trapped in here will return to their home. You can use this to summon it to battle to help us."

"That's cool!" I exclaimed. "It's like having a little helper in your pocket!"

"I know, right?" Sora grinned as he stuck the charm into his pocket. "Well, we're going off to fight the Heartless around here."

"Okay!" The gang nodded.

We left and went to Third District, a couple of Solider Heartless appeared. We drew our weapons and prepared to fight. Then, they all disappeared to a cloud of smoke. When the smoke cleared, I gasped at the person who destroyed the heartless for us. He wielded a sword with a dark red hilt, a black guard handle with an eye on it. But, he also had short, silver hair and aquamarine eyes, which means he could only be one person...

"RIKU??!!" I shouted.

"There are you, Sora and Sakura," Riku said. "What's going on?"

"Riku!" Sora cried as he ran up to him and pulled his cheeks to make sure he was real.

"Hey, hey, cut it out," Riku laughed as he slapped Sora's hand away.

"OH MY GOD, RIKU. WHERE WERE YOU ALL THIS TIME? SORA AND I WERE FREAKING OUT TRYING TO FIND YOU AND KAIRI!!!" I screamed. Riku stared at me as if I went crazy. I averted my gaze from him and blushed. Great, I once again freaked out in front of my crush. But this time, I yelled in his face like a nervous, lovesick teenager. How cliché is that?

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