Chapter XIV

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"Everyone has their inner child inside them, even if they're not kids anymore. It's just some are braver enough to admit it." ~Anonymous
A huge pirate ship flew past our Gummi Ship. "Uh, that big ship is catching up to us," Goofy noticed.

"Quit gawking! It's a pirate ship!" Donald yelled.

The ship flew back and began flying towards us. "It's going to crash into us!" I screamed.

"Hold on tight!" Sora warned as the ship slammed into us, breaking our ship apart and sending us flying, knocking me unconscious.


I felt myself being rocked back and forth roughly, like I was on a piece of log during a storm in the ocean. I ignored it and tried to sleep. Then the whole place rocked and I rolled to the side and my head smacked onto a post. "Ouch!" I yelled, jerking up and rubbing my head. I examined the room I was in. "Where am I?"

It looked like I was in a ship's quarters with a looked door on the side. I walked over and twisted the knob. Yup, it was locked tight. I glanced to the ground and saw a caged trapdoor. I squat down and yanked it. It didn't budge. It was locked in tight, too. "That must of hurt a lot," A voice said.

My head went up. "Who said that?" I asked.

"Me." I turned to see a girl with medium length brown hair in a low bun in a blue nightgown. "I saw you roll over and your head hit the wooden post. Are you okay?" She repeated.

"I'm fine," I replied. "But how on Earth did I get here?"

"A boy with silver hair came in with you and a red-haired girl. You two were unconscious. He placed you and her here before leaving." She explained.

Riku, I thought. He must of found me and brought me here. I looked around again to see Kairi. My eyes widened. "Kairi? Kairi!" I cried, crawling over to her.

She was the same, but her eyes were droopy, as if she was half-asleep. She did not reply to me. "Are you okay?" I asked again. "It's me; Saki! Speak up!"

She didn't respond again. I poked her really hard at her side. No response. I cringed. "I really hate doing this." I slapped her really hard across her face. Her head lulled to the right before going back to its original state.

"She was like that the whole time," The girl explained. "Either she's asleep or doesn't care."

"I hope she's alright," I added.

"What's your name?" She asked. "I'm Wendy Darling."

"Sakura," I said back. "Where am I?"

"In Captain Hook's ship in Neverland," Wendy said. Scurrying was heard below us. "Peter? Peter Pan?" Wendy asked, coming down to the caged trapdoor.

A red haired flying boy in green clothes was underneath the caged door. "Wendy!" He said.

"Please hurry! The pirates are coming!" She begged.

"What?" He cried. "I'm coming in!"

"Wendy?" A voice asked. I jerked up. It was Sora!

"Yes?" She said.

"Is there two other girls with you?" Sora asked.

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