Chapter 1~Wandering Off

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After a really busy two months for the guys, they finally get to take a break from all the interviews and tours. Even though they enjoyed it, they all knew they needed a well deserved break from all of that. As for the fans, they all supported them to have their rest and enjoy themselves, and in return, the guys thanked them and promised for a great time if ever they went to their concerts.

Right now, they are curiously wandering a field, not so far from where their flat is,considering that they all decided to share one since they couldn't be separated from their brotherly bond.

You may be thinking, are they wandering around all by themselves? No security whatsoever? Then yes. It took a lot of convincing and a lot of annoying Paul to finally making him agree to let them go. After all, they aren't kids anymore.

So there they are, just talking to each other, enjoying each other's company while walking up a hill.

"Hey lads, I think we best should be going back, it's getting pretty late." Says Liam,who noticed the sun beginning to set.

"Don't fret Payno, as soon as we get to the top of this hill, we'll head back to our flat." Louis responds calmly.

The sun has already set and the dark night sky was then lighten up by thousands of stars as the moon shines through the clouds. And at the same time, the guys finally made it to the top, only to find a forest.

"Great,we came all the way up here to find a forest?" Niall suddenly spoke, obviously tired from walking up the hill for nothing.

"Come on Lou, let's all go back. Nialler must be starving." Zayn chuckles as Niall punches his arm playfully.

But before they could even take one step, they suddenly saw something bright falling out of the sky, crashing into the woods with a swoosh sound as it glides among the leaves.

The guys were shocked and had widened eyes, they were curious to what that was but also terrified of what it could be.

"W-what. Was. Th-that?!" Harry exclaims, Trembling.

"Maybe it was a comet! from space!" Niall jumps up in a happy manner. Louis smiled at him and looked at the other guys.

"L-Louis, please don't tell me-" Liam was cut off when Louis and Niall started to run towards where the thing might have landed. In the forest.

"Lads! Wait!" Zayn called out and started to run after them, Liam and Harry trailing behind.

After what seemed about 5 minutes of chasing each other, they stop in the middle of the forest, staring at a glowing rock.

"Woah..." They all exhale in unison,staring in awe as the rock glowed even brighter.

For awhile they just stood there admiring the rock when suddenly it bursts open, startling the guys and waking them from their trance.

"Aaahh!!!" They scream, slowly backing away until they were exactly 7 feet away from where they were standing earlier.

They look at the rock which was now open in half, the steam it produced cleared a few seconds later and then revealed five glowing stones, each glowing in five different colors; Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple and White.

Louis, who was overly curious, starts to reach for the white one, but was stopped by Harry, who grabbed his hand before he could touch it.

"Lou! What are you trying to do?!" Harry scolds, concern in his eyes. Louis looks at him and gives him a small smile.

"I want to touch it-"

"You don't know what it is! Who knows what it'll do to you!" Harry cuts him off. Louis stares at Harry in shock, never seeing the curly haired boy angry till now.

"L-Lou, I didn't mean to shout at you... I'm just scared you might get hurt." Harry sighs. Louis lifts Harry's chin so he was facing him and gives him a reassuring smile and says.

"Don't worry Haz, I know you were just trying to protect me." Making Harry smile weakly at him.

"But still, I'm really curious to what those things are." Before any of the boys could protest, Louis reaches out his hand and grabs the white stone. The others gasp but then sigh in relief when nothing happened.

"What do you feel, Lou?" Zayn questions.

"I feel...absolutely fine." He took the other four and gave it to the other guys; Liam with the yellow, Zayn with purple, Niall with blue and Harry with Red.

"What do you think these are?" Niall fiddled with his stone.

As the clouds clear,the moon's light shone and hit the stones, making them glow brightly.

"Hey- what's going on?!" The guys were starting to panic until they felt a sharp sting in their chests, each of them looked down and see the stones that were once in their hands now slowly going into them.

"AAARRGHH!!!" They all groan in agony, clutching their chests. The last thing they saw was each of them glowing before the light faded and they all blacked out.

Yay! First chapter out! I was so happy when writing this I keep smiling until my cheeks hurt. but there you go! What could have happened to the guys? Well,find out in the next chap! Bye Directionflakes!

P.S the pic in the media are the stones. ;)

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