Chapter 4~Meeting the professors

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Liam P.O.V

The boys and I went home at about 9pm,we kinda lost track of time while we were practicing our powers. But it seems like we've got them under control now.

The next morning, I wake up and did my usual daily routine. The time was now 7:38. As soon as I finish refreshing myself I headed to the kitchen. I walked in and already see Niall and Zayn sitting on the counter.

"Boys,get down from there." I said to them. They looked at me,sighing,and got down from the counter and sat on the chairs.

"There,happy mom?" Niall chuckled with Zayn. Sigh...I'm practically their parent since I'm more responsible,of course Louis should be since he's the eldest,but he says he never wants to grow up,so I'm the next best thing I guess?

Soon after,Louis and Harry came in,just as I finished making pancakes. I placed one on each plate and served it to the boys.

"Thanks Liam!" Said Niall,who immediately chowed down.

"Can someone get the syrup?" Harry asked. I was about to stand up,but Zayn gestured me to sit back down.

He then concentrated on opening the cabinet then getting the syrup,slowly placing it in front of Harry and closing the cabinet's door.

"Well done Zayn,looks like you've mastered your power." Louis comments,as I smiled at Zayn.

After we finished eating,I washed up the plates then met up with the boys who were waiting for me at the door.

We didn't have anything to do,so we decided to go back to the forest. Just to hang out and stuff.

As we arrived at our spot,something seemed a bit off. It didn't feel right and its strange.

"Is it just me,or do I get the feeling we're being watched?" Seems like the boys get the weird feeling too.

The forest looks fine,pretty much the same as we remembered for the past 2 days we've came here.

I look at Louis who was walking up to a tree,staring at it weirdly,then I saw it.

"Lou! Get out of there!" I shouted. But I was too late,he stepped on a string which triggered something to go off. The surroundings were suddenly being filled with some sort of gas.

"What's going on?!" The boys and I are now back to back,backing away from the gas that's slowly coming towards us.

The gas finally made it to us and I quickly held my breath,not knowing what it'd do to me.

"Boys,don't inhale the gas!" I informed. A cough then was heard,I looked to see Harry on the ground,knocked out.


"Louis don't!" Zayn was too late. Louis had already inhaled it then passed out next to Harry. Soon Niall couldn't hold his breath much longer and passed out too,along with Zayn. The last thing I saw were two figures heading towards us before blacking out myself.

Zayn P.O.V

Ugh..what the hell was that gas made of? I rubbed my head and slowly sat up,not knowing where I was till I remembered what happened.

I opened my eyes,slowly adjusting to the light that was in my face. My vision then became clear and I realized I was in a plain white room. Huh?

"Good to see you awake,Mr. Malik." I turned then see a guy near my age come into the room through the door I hadn't noticed before,wearing a lab coat and glasses.

"W-who are you..?" I questioned. The guy just stared at me then replied.

"I am Professor Javed Wilson Steinford,but Javed is fine. Now,I know you have some questions to ask me,but first,let's meet up with the others." I nodded unsurely,having no idea what's going on.

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