Chapter 18 - I'm sorry!

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        After a while everyone is bored and it's 1:55am, however being jet lagged your no where near tired, it's 4:00pm in London. Everyone was used to the time change so you and Beth were left awake until about 3:00am. You had both tried to sleep multiple times but it was hard. At about 2:00am you both went into your room. Calum woke up and tried to stay awake with you but he kept falling asleep. You kissed his forehead and tried to sleep. Calum woke you up with a soft kiss on the cheek. You smiled and kissed his lips.

"I'm never going to get used to your kisses" he says smiling. He got out of bed in his boxers and got dressed before saying

"Come on, everyone is in Ashton's room waiting for the cleaner to come, Ashton going to chat her up" Calum says picking you up.

"Is he actually?" You ask giggling.

"Yeah, haha, are you getting a shower?" He asks.

"No I got one last night." You say

"Okay well I'm going to jump in, you go get breakfast with Beth or something don't be too long though I'm only going to take 5 minutes" he says putting you down.

"Okay I'm just going to get dressed" you say going on your tip toes and kissing his cheek. You go down to lunch then go back to Ashton's room and sit with everyone, soon there's a knock on the door, Ashton takes his top off and opens the door with a seductive look. He looks down and sees a little old lady, she looks shocked and Ashton quickly puts his top back on, everyone leaves except for Ashton, it turned out the old lady was turned on by Ashton. And kept touching him. Eventually you text Ashton saying

'I'll pretend to be your girlfriend' he quickly text back

'If Calum's okay with it then THANK YOU!' You walk in wearing a cropped top and high waisted denim shorts with a pair of heels.

"Hey babe" you say hugging him, your arms around his waist. He puts arms around your waist and rests his big hands on your back. You quickly peck him on the cheek.

"Who's that?" You say looking at the lady.

"She's just leaving babe" he says. You look over at Calum. You see he's uncomfortable. Michael is eating, and Beth and Luke were kissing. And Calum was stood staring at you. He was clearly upset, and went into the room when Ashton called you 'babe' you bite your lip and your face drops. You look up at Ashton who's noticed as well.

"Don't worry he'll come around." His arm is still around your waste. You give him a weak smile before going back to your room finding everyone sat on yours and Calum's bed watching TV.

"Where's Calum?" You ask.

"He's in the shower." Michael says.

"He had one half an hour ago" you say quietly. Michael shrugged. You look over and see Luke and Beth sat in each others arms. You knock on the door.

"Calum are you in there?" You hear him sit down.

"Calum I know your in there don't ignore me" eventually you give up. You eyes are full of tears. You sit on the bed in between Ashton and Michael. They try to comfort you. He only comes out to sit in the van ready for the next show. The boys go and you and Beth are left in your hotel room, 

"Why is it always me and Calum that piss each other of?" You say.

"It's fine, me and Luke do it all the time, Calum is just, he's just more stubborn." Beth says laughing a bit. 

"Shall we go to the show?" You ask.

"I'll call a taxi!" Beth says pulling out her phone.

      You arrive at the venue just before they go on stage, the security guard recognises you both, so takes you up to a balcony, Calum notices you but doesn't look.

"They're really good aren't they" you say to Beth.

"Yeah they are" Beth replies

"If Calum dumps me, he can get any girl he wants can't he" you say looking upset.

"What do you mean?" Beth asks

"Look at those girls their all so pretty, then there's me..." You say looking upset.

"(y/n) if you were ugly do you think Calum would love you?" Beth says taking you backstage where it's quiet.

"He doesn't though does he? He won't talk to me" you say sitting down.

"He does! He's just jealous cause Ashton got to kiss you." Beth says sitting opposite you. 

"Well why isn't he talking to me?" You say, there's silence for a minute "he hates me"

"You'll be proved wrong soon" Beth says passing you ice cream.

"Thanks, but if I keep eating this I'm going to get fat, then Calum difinetley wont want me" you say

"Shut up and eat" she says laughing. The boys come in soon, everyone sits down, Calum sits next to Michael but Michael makes him go sit next to you. You feel like crying that he's only sitting next to you because he has to. After few minutes everyone jumps in the van. No one really talks eventually you arrive at the hotel. Everyone goes to their rooms. You jump in the shower and Calum asks Luke and Beth to come to your room while your in the shower. You overhear Calum saying

"She's really annoyed with me isn't she?"

"She's only pissed off at you cause your pissed off at her" Beth says.

"I just didn't want Ashton to have her, they looked like they should be together" Calum says hesitantly.

"Your so stupid! She clearly wants you!" Luke shouts at him.

"Why would she want me?"

"I have no idea Calum cause your an absolute twat, but clearly she likes you" Luke shouts.

"Well not anymore now that I've been such a dick about it." Calum says.

"Well if she does still love you, you better not ever let her go again, obviously she's perfect for you." Beth says taking Luke's hand and walking out. At that you finish drying and straightening your hair. You put on a bit of makeup. You walk out in just your towel, you get your sleep stuff and go back to the bathroom to get dressed. When you come out again you sit on the bed, Calum turns on the TV to avoid an awkward conversation.

"so your still not going to talk to me" you say.

"You wouldn't prefer to talk to Ashton?" He says

"What? No!" You look at him gritting your teeth

"I heard you talking to Luke and Beth! Why have you changed all of a sudden?" You ask.

"You shouldn't have kissed Ashton, it's only supposed to be me who kisses you." He quietly speaks.

"So fucking what I kissed Ashton ON THE CHEEK it didn't mean anything, it was all pretend!" You shout

"You still shouldn't have." Calum states.

"Fine, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have pretended to be his girlfriend! Cause I really want I be yours!" You say.

"You should have thought of that first shouldn't you!" Calum says. "I'm going to dinner with the boys, see ya later." He says leaving. You text Beth

'Hey, can I go eat dinner just you and me Cal wont talk to me and I don't think he wants to eat with me. xx' a few seconds later she text back.

'Yeah sure, I'm about to go to your room. xx' seconds later she knocks on your door. You get changed into normal clothes then go downstairs. At dinner you talk about normal stuff, trying to avoid Calum entirely. After a dinner you go up to your rooms. All the boys are already in theirs. Beth goes into hers, and you go into yours.

"Are you still mad at me?" You ask closing the door. He doesn't reply.

"I'm sorry!" You shout.

"So what, am I a slut or something cause I kissed Ashton on the cheek?"

"If that's what you want to call it" Calum says not looking up from his phone. You bite your lip and put some heels on. You grab your phone from charge and slam the door.

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