Chapter 1: Trying to be Invisible

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"I'm going to go get a drink." I said to my best friend.

"Okay, I'll be here dancing with Joey." Morgan said as she pulled Joey onto the dance floor. So I left her dancing with her boyfriend and went to get a drink. There was no one in the kitchen when I got there.

I stood there spacing out thinking 'why did I even come here tonight, not like anyone knew who I was. I mean I normally don't go to these wild school weekend parties. I mean I'm not saying that I'm a "good girl" as most people would call it', because believe it or not I do drink and party with my friends.

Although I'm not considered the "popular girl" in school either, people probably think of me as a loser. I could care less what people think of me anyway, even though sometimes I think their right on some things.'

As I was standing there at the counter coming out of my daze and pouring some beer into a cup someone was walking backwards and bumped into me. "Oh, sorry." I said as I looked at who it was and standing next to me was the captain of the football team, Ben Anderson.

He is also the most popular guy in the school. "No it's okay..." he stopped mid sentence as he looked towards me and then said with a chuckle "It was my fault, I should probably look were I'm walking more often, I'm Ben". The entire time I was kind of looking anywhere but at him, I mean come on it's not like he even knew who I am or cared that he bumped into me.

"Yes I know who you are, you're captain of the football team." I said in a low voice. Eventually I looked up at him and got caught up in his beautiful eyes. He just kept looking at me in the eyes not paying any attention to any of the other gorgeous girls that walked in the room.

I don't know what it was but there's just some thing about him that got my attention I couldn't explain it. "You're name's Jessica right?" he had asked me after a second. 

Once I found my voice again I answered him "Uh, yeah." I was surprised he even knew my name.

He was so cute and the 'IT' guy at school, all of the girls were all over him. Especially the most popular girl in school who happens to be head cheerleader, Margaret Coarsen. Then again the two of them are dating and she always throws herself at him all of the time. It's just what every guy wants, a girl who is easy like her. Oh I can't wait until she gets what's coming to her for being so mean to people.

"You work on the school plays right?" Ben asked me snapping me out of my gaze. 

"Yea I work on the sceneries, building a little and back stage during the shows." I told him.

"You know I don't normally go to them but I hear that there really good shows." as I was about to answer him, his friend nudged him in the arm.

"Hey Ben I know your having fun here talking to someone we don't know but hurry up and get your drink there's some really hot girls who want to dance with us." The guy he was talking to when he bumped into me said.

"Huh, oh okay... well I guess I'll see you around school Jess."

As he was about to leave I mumbled just loud enough were he heard me "Yea if your not to busy making a pass at every girl in the school." But I didn't mean for him to hear that and I also didn't realize he had heard me say it.

Once I had my drink in hand (thank god it didn't spill when he bumped into me) I went out into the living room where everyone was dancing. However to my surprise I didn't find Morgan and Joey. I tried looking for them but didn't see them anywhere. I went to look out on the patio were it was quiet to see if they were out there but I found nothing. 

Instead of going back inside to all the noise I stayed out here and stood at the railing looking at all the shining stars finishing off my drink. I was sitting there for maybe about an hour or so before someone walked out there and stood next to me. I didn't bother to look; no doubt it was someone I didn't know. "They sure are beautiful aren't they?" came from a male voice next to me. 

Instead of looking to see whom it was I just simply said "Yea I just love looking up at them at night." Then as I finished my sentence I looked at the guy, it was Ben.

He stopped looking at the stars and looked at me now. "Yea me too. So Jess how come you're out here away from all the fun inside?" he had turned his complete attention to me.

"If it's so much fun in there then how come you're out here? And the names Jessica if you will, Jess is more of a name for friends." he started to chuckle a little bit.

"Your very clever with the come backs now aren't you, you also didn't answer my question...and maybe I want to become your friend Jessica." He seems to really want to test me doesn't he?

"I'm sorry if I seem a bit snippy with my words. To answer your question, I was looking for my friends but couldn't find them. So I think I might just start walking home in a minute or two seeing how my friend was my ride here." Ben looked at me for a minute and then seemed like he was thinking.

"It's okay I didn't think you were being snippy, and why don't you let me drive you home, it's really late out and you shouldn't walk home alone."

Trying to be InvisibleWhere stories live. Discover now