Chapter 30: Some Quality Time

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As I sat there on the bed Andy went to lock the door to the room. However little did he know Ben was watching me the entire night. At one point he lost track of me so as far as I know he doesn't know I'm up here.

Andy was walking back over to me and I was full aware of what was happening. He gently pushed me back onto the bed so he was lying on top of me and kissing me. "Andy I don't think we should do this or be up here..." I slurred a little before he started undoing the buttons on my jeans.

He looked at me "Shh it's okay, this is how it should be. Just relax and let me do all the work." He whispered to me.

He then took my shirt off. He stopped for a second as we heard a knock on the door. But then he went back to kissing my neck. I tried to push him off but it was no use, from all the drinks I had I didn't have the strength to stop him.

Memories of what Robby tried to do to me came flooding back, and it made me panic a little because I didn't want to be doing this with Andy either.

Ben had tried knocking on the door again but got no answer. So he tried to pick lock the door. As he heard the click he turned the knob as Andy was about to pull down on my pants, Ben walked through the door.

"Andy no, please stop?" I said just above a whisper to him as my eyes started to get watery. Suddenly he was being pulled off me and was punched in the face. Ben then came over to me and re buttoned my pants.

I looked at him as I sat up and tears started to fall. "Ben I swear I didn't want to do anything with him." He pulled me into a hug soothing me once again.

"It's okay Jessica, I'm here now. Everything's going to be okay." he whispered to me

Ben then put his jacket on me and zipped it up. He grabbed my shirt and led me to the door. "Come on, I'm taking you home." And with that we started to drive to my house.........................................................................

.................................................When we got to my house Ben pulled the keys from my pocket, opened the door and carried me up the stairs and to my room. He took me over to my bed and laid me gently down. He pulled the covers over me and went to walk out.

However I called him "Ben, please stay?" he turned and came back over to me. Ben sat on the edge of my bed and stroked my hair.

"It's okay Jess, I'm not going anywhere." He said softly to me.

"I'm so sorry Ben." I whispered to him and when I said that I had meant for everything I did to push him away. He pulled me to him as he laid down with me and had his arm around me for comfort.

"Jessica it wasn't you're fault. I'm just glad I got there in time. Don't you dare blame yourself." He had said. Because of Ben soothing me I soon fell peacefully asleep in his arms............................................................

................................................I woke up the next morning alone in my bed. I was having a difficult time remembering the contents of what had happened last night but still remembered. I had heard something down stairs. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes before I started to stretch. Suddenly I heard some one in the hall.

I looked at my bedroom door as the person started to slowly open it. My eyes connected with Ben's as soon as he looked at me. He smirked towards me, which made me smile at him.

"Um I brought you something to eat." Ben said walking over to the bed.

"Oh, thank you." I said to him.

He sat on the bed next to me with the tray of food. "So how are you feeling?" he asked.

"Good, I guess. I unfortunately remember what happened last night." I looked down at my hands fidgeting. Ben took my hands in his after setting the tray down.

"Jessica, I just your going to be okay. I got to you in time before anything happened." Ben had told me and then he kissed my hand.

"Now here's your coffee and please try to eat something." He handed me a mug and the tray of food.

All I did was just nod in agreement and began to eat. Soon after I was done eating we ended up down stairs on the couch watching TV...............................................

............................................ Ben lifted me gently off him and got up as so not to wake me. He walked over to the door as it had been knocked on and opened it. "Here you go." My mail guy handed him the mail.

"Thanks" Ben said to him and walked back over to the couch.

"Who was at the door?" I asked him as he sat back down and rubbed my eyes.

Ben looked at me "Oh it was just the mail guy. Are you still tired?" he asked me.

"Oh, let me see it? And a little bit, sorry for falling asleep on you again." I said as I took the mail form him.

He smiled a little "Here you go. Don't worry about it, I understand."

As I looked through the mail I could see from the corner of my eye that Ben was looking at me and smiling a little. "Ben why are you staring at me like that?" I asked as I was opening a letter from my mom. He ended up chuckling a little bit.

"Jess you know how I feel about you. And I get this feeling you feel the same about me, so why are you trying so hard to avoid me every chance you get?" he asked as I was still reading the letter while listening to him..........................................................

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