Chapter 24: Getting Hit On By A Stranger

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As I was standing outside of the pub I was looking at the lake and moon. When suddenly I heard a twig snap. I ignored it thinking I'm imagining things. However someone stood beside me and they looked at me for a second. "It's such a beautiful night isn't it?" the guy said to me looking out across the lake.

"Yea it is." I answered glancing at him at the same time he glanced at me and he smiled.

"My names Andy." He extended a hand for me to shake.

I took his hand and said "Jessica, Jess for short." And smiled back at him.

"Well Jessica, Jess for did an amazing job on that stage tonight." He chuckled a little.

"Thanks." I said shyly.

"You're welcome. Would you like to take a walk or get a drink?" he asked me.

I thought for a minute "You know Andy you seem like a good person but I don't think that would be a good idea, sorry."

And with that I walked back into the pub and over to the bar. "Hey Fred can I get a cold one."

Fred came over with my drink and looked at my expression. "You okay Jess? You look like someone broke you're heart."

I looked up at him "Someone did break my heart. But I'll be fine."

He put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me "You know I'll break any guy who breaks you're heart. You're like the daughter I never had."

I smiled "Yea I know Fred. Thanks."

He looked behind me "I'll come back and check on you." And with that he left to tend to costumers. I sat there with my drink wondering what he was trying to do and sighed.

"Come on its one night and nothings going to happen other than talking and getting to know each other." I looked at the voice and it was Andy.

"You're not going to stop until I agree are you?" I said jokingly with a smile.

"Nope." He answered back with his own smile.

I looked back to where Daniel, Jack and Ben were sitting. There was a girl sitting there still trying to get Ben. I looked back at Andy for a second. "Okay fine but we're just going to talk and we are staying here." I finally gave in.

He smiled again "Perfect that's all I ask." We sat there for the rest of the night talking. I found myself liking him as a friend. He was interesting, funny, smart and cute.

At some point Ben saw me with Andy and left to go back to the cabin. Jack and Daniel followed suit. When I noticed it was late Andy offered to walk me back to my cabin.

We we're standing at the door now "Well night Andy and thanks for the fun night." I smiled at him.

"You're welcome Jess, I had fun also." Right before I grabbed the handle Andy held me gently and kissed me. "Night Jess." And with that he left and I stood there surprised that he did that.........................................................................

............................................The next morning there was a knock on the door so I got up and went to answer it. When I opened the door standing there was the girl that hung all over Ben last night. "Can I help you?" I asked.

She looked at me "Is Ben here?" she asked in an unsure tone.

"Yes he's here." I was just about to call for Ben but he came up out of nowhere behind me.

"Uh hey, I thought I was going to come get you at you're cabin? Oh this is Jessica." Ben told her my name. I kept looking at her trying to think of where I know her form. I had this odd feeling I knew her from somewhere but couldn't figure it out.

Then I decided to ask her "Hey don't I know you from somewhere?" she looked back at me and glared.

"Yea you do Jess, it's me Zoey." She said matter of fact.

"Zoey?" I said thinking and then it came to me. "Oh Zoey, wow. It's been too long. How have you been?" I was surprised that it was Zoey; I haven't seen her in years.

When we were kids and I came up here, she would always torment me. I hated her and I have a feeling she hasn't changed one bit. "You two know each other?" Ben asked.

"Yea little Jessie here and I go way back." She answered with a sly smile looking at me. Then she turned her attention back to Ben. "You ready to go babe?" she asked him in a sweet tone.

"Yea I'm ready. Don't wait up for me Jess." He told me as he walked out the door. I went back inside and got dressed. Once I was dressed I went down to the lake.

I spent hours here at the lake fishing. I loved fishing and right now it's exactly what I needed. About half way through the day Andy showed up. We fished together and had a blast. He even threw me in the water at one point so I was completely drenched from head to toe...................................................................................

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