Chapter 38: Their Home Already

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.........After lunch Ben and I went to our math class together. He also insisted on carrying my books for me even though I told him it wasn't necessary. Once we got to the classroom I sat in my seat and Ben sat in his next to mine. He turned to me while we had time to talk.

He sighed which got me to face him. "Ben, what's wrong?" I asked.

He looked me in the eyes and began talking "Jess, we need to talk about what's happening or what's going to happen between the two of us." He told me.

I couldn't seem to answer him. "Look, I know you're scared. I can see it in your eyes Jess." He said to me.

I looked down for a second "Do we have to do this now Ben?" I had asked. He nodded as the bell rang...................................................

............................Later that day school was over and I was about to start walking home. Suddenly some one had their hand on my wrist pulling me around to face them but not hard enough that it would hurt.

I was face to face with Ben. "Hey, do you want a ride home?" he asked me.

I thought for a moment "No its okay. But thanks for the offer." I answered him. He was about to say something when Joey came over.

"Hey guys, I'm sorry to interrupt but coach wants to have practice today." He said to Ben. Ben looked back at me and was about to say something but I cut him off.

"Go to practice. You can come over later tonight and we can talk then." I said and gave him a smile..............................

.............................I got home to find my brothers were back from their friend's house. They were sitting on the couch watching TV. "Oh, when did you guys get back?" I asked them.

They turned around to look at me. "We got back a few minutes ago. And we're hungry so go make us something." Will told me.

I just looked at them "What do I look like you're made?" I said back which kind of pissed him off. But I didn't care right now.

He got up and stalked to the kitchen. You see I absolutely hate my oldest brother, Will. My other brother, Steve I have no problems with.

Steve and I fight some times but it's never as bad as when Will and I fight. When I got up to my room I locked the door so they couldn't come in without knocking, in this house I get no privacy.....................................................

........................A few hours later I was in the kitchen making dinner when Matt and Gabe walked in. "Hey Jess." Matt said kissing my cheek. Gabe kissed my other cheek and sat down at the table.

I looked at them as I sat down with them. "So what did you guys do today?" I asked.

Gabe spoke up "Oh well I went to hang with Alley today." He was smiling so badly.

I smiled at him and chuckled "You really like her don't you." Then I looked at Matt. "what about you?" I said.

He shrugged "I just went to the gym to work out..........................................................

...........................As I finished making dinner the three of us went into the living room where Steve was. Will was in his room at the moment so there was no fighting going on, which is good.

We had the TV on and we ended up laughing so much cause we were watching something stupid.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Matt stood up to get it. "Who could that be?" Steve wondered out loud looking at me, I just shrugged. Gabe started to smile as he was looking in my direction.

I gave him a confused look as Steve followed his line of vision and looked puzzled. "What the hell are you two looking at?" I asked as I turned to see.

"Jess some one is here to see you." Matt said walking back over smiling and sitting back down.

Ben was standing in the doorway of the living room smiling at me. "Hey Jess." He said to me.

I was a little shocked when I saw him standing there. "What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Well you did tell me to come here after practice so we could talk." He chuckled a little.

I stood up "Oh right I did say that didn't I." I laughed a little.

Ben smiled at me like there wasn't anyone else here with us. "Um here let's go up to my room so we can talk privately." I said walking over to him.

"Alright up to you." He said agreeing with me. I looked back to Matt, Gabe and Steve. The two were smiling while Steve just gave me a questionable look.

I ended up giving him a look back telling him that I would let him in on it later or to just ask Gabe or Matt. I took Ben by the hand and pulled him towards the stairs and led him up to my bedroom......................................................

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