Chapter 3: Forced Into Another Ride Home

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I walked over to the table and pulled out the pen from behind my ear "Hi how may I help you?" I wrote down the orders as they were said to me then went to take them to the sheaf. As I came back through the door of the kitchen I was going to go take more orders when someone pulled me to the side.

"Hey what the hell do you think you're doing buddy?" I said before I looked up and got lost in the gaze of only one person who could have that effect on me.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He said with a smile and chuckle. I didn't really want to talk to him or anyone for that matter so I tried to walk past him but he stopped me. "Hey wait where do you think you're going?" he looked me in the eyes "Why do you seem mad at me?" I looked away from him.

"I have to go work and serve a table that's where I'm going. And I'm not mad at you." I tried to walk away again but he wouldn't let me.

"Wait I wanted to talk to you and you sure do seem mad at me" ugh he just wouldn't let me go would he.

He was standing in my way "Why would you want to talk to me?" I said as I looked at him. He smiled at me "Because I want to be friends with you."

I couldn't believe what he was saying to me. "No, you mean you want to pretend to be friends and try to get in my pants."

He just looked at me and then said "What? No I really do want to be friends." Like I was going to believe that.

"If you want to be friends then why did you pull me to a secluded part of the diner? Yea that's what I thought." He didn't answer me for a while.

"Jessica, I don't know what to say to that. I mean that's not what I'm trying to do at all." He just stared at me like I was from another planet.

"Save it, you're trying to string me along and I'm not buying it. I have to get back to work." I walked away and took more orders and brought out the food as he sat back down at his table. As I was bringing his table's food I was getting these glares from Margaret. Once I put the plates down I went in the back....................................

...............Margaret leaned into Ben and took hold of his hand "What a loser she is." The entire table started to laugh except for Ben and another girl.

Brittany looked at her "She isn't a loser. She's just a quite person and doesn't really have many friends at school. She actually only has like two that I know of." Ben had agreed with her on that.

"No she's a loser. She hangs with losers, she is part of the school plays and she's awkward, how lame can you get." The people around the table laughed again.

Ben had finally noticed their hands were intertwined and he pulled his hand out of her grip. "She's not a loser. And I don't know I think she's kind of cute and sweet." They all looked at him.

"Dude are you trying to say you want to get in her pants? Haha" Arron Ben's best friend said to him.

"I don't know, she seems different than all the other girls in school. But I do know I want to get to know her." Margaret was getting furious and jealous at what he was saying.

"Ben I swear if you go talk to her we will be over. And besides someone like her doesn't belong in our world." She started to formulate a plan and it wasn't looking good. "Ben I think we should have a little fun." He looked at her confused for a minute.

"I think you should get to know her pretend you're interested in her and find things out then we can use her to our advantage."

Then Jordan another guy said "Dude I bet you 20 bucks you can't get this girl to fall for you before Valentines Day."

"I don't know guys that's got to seem like it's going to back fire on us." Ben said to them and then Jordan looked at him again.

"Ben you are going soft on us lately. I don't know if you're the same guy we all know and love, you've seemed to change."

Ben thought for a moment "I didn't change, I'm still the same guy. Okay fine I'll prove it to you, Jordan you're bet is on." Ben was so thinking the opposite of what he just said but he would never admit it to them..........................

.........................After hours of people coming in it started to die down a little. Pretty soon the only people left in the dinner was Ben and some of his friends. It was getting close to closing time and Emily had left and I was supposed to close up for her tonight. Emily and I are close; she's like an older sister to me. Margaret had finally left with someone else and Ben was left sitting there alone.

Dan our sheaf was just getting off of work and leaving, but of course as always he waited a few minutes and talked to me so I wasn't alone the entire time before I closed up. While we were talking the entire time I could feel Ben's eyes on me the whole time. Eventually Dan left to go home and it was just Ben and I, I walked over to the table.

"It's pretty late and I have to close up the diner. Besides I need to rest for school in the morning." I handed him his bill and walked over to wash down the counter. He walked over and paid the bill and then stared at me again. I turned to him after I finished cleaning the place.

"Are you going to stare at me all night or are you going to leave because like I said before I have to close up." He looked outside for a second and then back to me like he was contemplating something. 

"No I was actually going to ask if you wanted a ride home after you lock up." 

I stared at him and just shook my head "No I don't want a ride home. I was planning on walking."

Lightning and thunder had started as I stopped talking and Ben looked at me. "There is no way I am letting you walk home in this storm. I'll help you finish washing the tables and you can finish locking things in the back, then I'll take you home." His eyes and voice was so sincere as he spoke to me.

"You're not going to let me win this are you... ugh fine give me a minute and I'll be ready to go." I went in the back to grab my things and lock the back door.

"Ready to go?" he had asked once I came up front.

"Yea, I'm ready." I looked off to the side.

"Okay wait here I'll go get the truck so you don't get soaked." I waited under the awning after I locked the door and he pulled up to me and got out.

Ben ran around the truck and opened my door for me before I got to it. "Uh thanks Ben." I gave him a small smile before I got in and he shut the door. Once he got in the driver's seat we drove off towards my house.

"I can't believe you thought you were going to walk in this storm. You must be crazy." He chuckled a little as I looked at him.

"Well I appreciate you giving me a ride for the second time." I sighed and looked down and I think he noticed.

"It's no problem I like to do this, it gives me the chance to get to know you better." He smiled at me and I turned to look out the window.

"So tell me about yourself." I didn't answer him; I didn't want to answer him. "Okay I guess you're not going to talk to me. Okay I'll talk to you then."

He just kept glancing at me "So you probably start working on the play when we go back tomorrow right?" I didn't answer him; instead I turned on the radio. Nickel back was on so I turned it up loud. Ben had turned it down a little so I could hear him "I see that we both like the same kind of music."

"You're point is? And don't forget that's my house right there."

"Ha I got you to talk to me. And don't worry I remember what house is yours. " Why out of all people did he have to be the one person left at the diner?

"Thanks for the ride again."

"No problem. I'll see you at school tomorrow." I wish there was no school in the morning cause then I wouldn't have to deal with him....................................

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