Chapter 20: I Can't Stop Shaking

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As they were fighting I was still laying there passed out. Pretty soon the cabin was a mess. Robby had got knocked out cold a few minutes later. Ben checked to make sure Robby was passed out before he left through the door to go across to Jack's cabin.

He knocked on the door and Jack answered it "Hello?" Jack asked when he opened the door.

Ben looked at Jack "Yea, I need some help" he was a little panicked and had worry all over his face.

Jack looked at him on the alert side now "What do you need help with and what's you're name?" he asked.

"My name's Ben. And I need help with my friend she passed out and there's a guy that I had to knock out to save her."

"Where are they now? And what happened?" Jack was so alert more now than ever that he was half way dressed and out the door as Ben lead him back to the cabin across from him.

As they got through the door Jack stopped in his tracks. "Oh my god, Jessica!!!" Jack said in a panicked voice.

Jack ran to me and then saw Robby knocked out. He looked back to Ben "What did you do to them?" he asked Ben.

Ben shook his head "You got it all wrong man. I came to find Jessica and found him on top of her. I had to knock him out to save her." Ben had told Jack.

Jack wasn't sure if he should believe Ben because of what the scene in front of him was but then he also thought that Robby looked a little weird and off when they had met.

"Okay say I believe you, help me tie this guy up before he wakes up. Then lets call my dad, he's a cop." Jack told him.

Ben nodded his head. Once they tied Robby up and Jack was calling the police AKA his dad, Ben came over to me. He pulled me into his arms and untied my hands. Ben held me close to him and started to tear up. Jack got off the phone and went over to where Ben was with me.................................................................

........................................................Considering I had practically no clothes on Ben respected my body by putting a blanket over me. Soon I woke up and it took me a second or two for my eyes to focus. When they focused I saw Ben holding me.

"Ben?" my voice was hoarse as I spoke. He looked at me in shock that I was awake.

"Jess, thank god you're awake." He hugged me to him "I was so scared when you passed out. Thank god I got here in time."

My eyes started to tear up again. I didn't say anything, all I did was hug myself to him and cry into his chest. Ben just pulled me closer to him as to comfort me.

A few minutes later the police came through the door. I was still in Ben's arms as Jack's dad came over to me. "Jessica are you okay?" Bill(Jacks dad) asked me.

I didn't say a word; I just couldn't find my voice. "Thank you son for saving her, this really isn't how I wanted to see my little pumpkin again." Bill sighed and thanked Ben.

"There's no need for a thank you. I did what I had to do and besides I couldn't let that ass hurt her," Ben told Bill. I was shaking now and Ben just stroked my hair calming me down and soothing me.

"Jess I know it's going to be hard for you but I need you to answer a couple of questions for me." Bill asked me, I just nodded.

"Okay well first did that guy try to rape you?" I could tell it was hard for him to be asking me these questions. In response I just nodded my head.

"Did he succeed at it Jess?" for this question I shook my head, I still couldn't find my voice to speak.

"Do you want us to take you to the hospital to get checked out?" I shook my head again. "Okay well I'll just notify them in case you change you're mind." And with that he went to talk to Jack.

"Jess it's okay, I'm here now, you're safe. Shhh..." he said very soothingly trying to stop me from shaking. "Here you should probably get dressed. Do you want me to go in the other room while you do that?" Ben asked me, I shook my head.

I didn't want him to leave me alone. I need to feel safe and he made me feel that way. "Okay, I'm just going to go get you're bag, I'll be right back."

He went to get up but I kept hold on him. Ben looked at me "Please don't leave me." I said in a low voice to him.

"Okay, I won't. I promise." He called Jack over and had him go get my things. Jack handed my bag over to Ben a moment later and then left the room.

Ben looked through it and took out my warm PJ pants and a t-shirt. "Okay lets see if we can get you dressed and warmer than you seem to be right now." He came over to me with my clothes.

Before he helped me with my clothes he stopped and looked at me "You sure you want me to help you get dressed? I mean I don't want to violate you more than you've already been." I could tell Ben didn't want to scare me more than I already was. I just nodded my head for him to continue to help me get dressed...............................................................

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